Shout by Kevin Social

Blade 1998

I am gonna keep this one short, Blade is soooooooooo much fun and it is definitely a product of the late 90s but I think that's why it works so perfectly and why the adaptation is so accurate.

Wesley Snipes (Blade) is so awesome and great as this character, he makes every scene so interesting and yet he has his way of also infusing a little be fun into it with also tonnes of BAD ASSERY!!!!!!

I will say that Stephen Dorff (Deacon Frost) was pretty good in this film playing opposite Blade and also the side characters were pretty good though nothing special. But that's not what you are here for, you are here to watch a badass character hunt vampires and I promise you that you will get it in bucket loads.

The action is handled really we as well with the opening sequence being one of the best in a Marvel film (yes this is technically a Marvel film), but some of the VFX don't hold up and it's super dated.

Otherwise, strap in and great ready to have some badass fun.

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