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Bird Box 2018

I like Sandra Bullock in general, she has some nice films but here the movie is missing a good plot. The whole premise of the apocalypse it doesn't give you much to question, you just go through the lines and story in a dull way. This could be at least 30 minutes shorter and everyone expected a big change on the end but you get instead of a twist another bland ending. The hype is not justified.

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It changed the book for the worst in most ways. I read a review that said something like, Sandra Bullock is brilliant in a B movie, and that sounds about right.

Also, the camera was really weird at times, like it was shot with a go pro or something.

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Nada nuevo o sorprendente con una película post-apocaliptica. El inicio donde se explica el origen de los sucesos (que aquí no me queda claro, se me hace una estupidez que las fuerzas misteriosas sea lo que explica el personaje de Charlie, aquí no hay zombies o extraterrestres dispuestos a liquidarte, no es un ente misterioso que anda en el ambiente que hace que te suicides alv si lo ves), el intermedio donde se ve todos los retos y desafíos que el protagonista tiene que hacer para sobrevivir y el final feliz donde se logra el objetivo principal, llegar a la meta vivito y coleando. La historia deja dudas e interrogantes, tendrá sus momentos donde el desarrollo de esta te dejara brevemente en suspenso, pero hasta ahí. Palmas para Sandra Bullock.

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I thought Micheal Jackson was dead?

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It would have been better if all the way through one didn't have to wonder why Sandra Bulloch took the role. The writing was beneath her talent. And the ending......meh.

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Shout by Deleted

Really enjoyed Trevante Rhodes and John Malkovich in this film. This is the first film I have ever seen Trevante in, and now I really want to see Moonlight. However, I felt that Sandra Bullock's performance was a little forced in this film. I haven't seen that many Sandra Bullock movies, so maybe this is just how she normally acts. Regarding the story, I feel like the writer of the screenplay, and I assume the book, read too much Lovecraft. Got a weird Children of Men and In the Mouth of Madness vibe from this as well.

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Not a terrible movie, but there really wasn't much of a story. I kept anxiously watching waiting for the payoff that never came. There are some interesting points in this movie, but it just keeps going and going with no reason to care.

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Please, don't watch this film. You lose 2 hours of your time. the film does not have a plot, and does not make sense

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What was the point of this?

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Awful. Just awful.

Every part of this movie that was given an explanation was utterly predictable. You can tell how much thought the writers didn't put into this movie simply by the names given to the children - Boy and Girl. I can't roll my eyes hard enough.

On a serious note, if you enjoyed "The Happening" you may enjoy this as well.

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Pretty sure they died. Not a big fan of movies that try to be really deep while attempting to focus more on the human condition rather than tell a story. This "you decide what happened" movie falls short in my opinion. Never found out what was happening, why it started, what it was, how it affected some people differently, etc...If you have anything else in your queue, I'd suggest skipping this one.

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as there was gps if there was no mobile or emergency signal, bad copy of "A quiet place", because they do not collect them all and they stay in the market, a blind man survives this, they do not explain what the bugs are, because they do not They enter the house or when they break the glass or when they open the doors?, is shy

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Coming up next... creatures that kill with sound,,, but only when its convenient to the plot.

Back to this one; I didn't like it because of the cliche's... also that monitor thing was stupid.

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This movie is not a copy of A Quiet Place but its equally dumb and boring....

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So many things that are unbelievable about this story, I found myself laughing out loud in places where I was supposed to be taking things seriously. I'll suspend disbelief for a while, but when I start comparing a movie to "The Happening," you know there's trouble. Would have worked better in my opinion if they had shown the creatures--for me, a movie made by a director who "leaves the monster up the imagination of the viewer" as this one does feels like a cop out. If you can't be creative enough to come up with a monster, then you are going to get lumped in with those directors who favor endings-that-aren't-endings where they "leave it up to the audience's interpretation." This, to me, always feels like cheating...and lazy writing.

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This movie is trash....crazies and happening is better then this crap

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Horrible adaptation. There's no feeling of real fear and terror.
It could have been so much better.

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Basicly no story, explanation, worldbulding, shallow forgettable characters. Just some random pseudo horror scenes botched together.

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what the fuck did I just watched ?!

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A movie with Michael Jackson and 2 kids with super powers that can run, swim, fight, navigate... totally fine even if blindfold.

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have people lost their minds? this movie is a 2/10 at BEST. talk about WAYYYYY overhyped ....

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This is so bad! Do what she says 'do not look'

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Shout by Juarez

Loser movie. Não vale o seu tempo.

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This movie sucked.Too many loose ends. Read a critique stating that the monsters were social media. Really??

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Nothing special at all about this movie, rather dull and too long.

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Sobrevalorada. Además predecible de principio a fin.

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At first I didn't want to watch this movie, but so many people are talking about it and I decided to give it a shot. The idea behind the movie is simply great, these monsters that you cannot see and that they take over you with your own biggest fears and they push to suicide is terrifying, because the movie never show you what happen to these people, what they see and this is even more scary. Sandra Bullock adventure is amazing and I really like the narration, how they make you discover the story little by little. I have really appreciated the presence of Sarah Paulson that is becoming more and more famous after AHS. I found the movie a little bit too long and sometimes there were some dragging scenes, but the movie wants to be slow, because it wants to scary you little by little. I really liked the movie and I really suggest to watch it because it is worth it.

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Pretty good watch; I always liked Sandra Bullock. There were moments where this reminded me of many other films such as Blindness (2008), Dawn of the Dead (2004), The Happening (2008), A Quiet Place (2018), and The Walking Dead series. I even thought that Rick would turn out to be Rick Grimes, haha.

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‪A weird and not so talented ensemble in another basic apocalypse movie where the threat isn’t explained and we’re supppsed to expect it for what it is. Had a good start but quickly became boring and predictable. Its only saving grace is Sandra’s stellar performance as per usual. ‬

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Great movie! Sandra Bullock hasn't missed a beat. Adventuresome

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F U don’t work

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Shout by Deleted

Added to my watchlist, but the trailer makes me think of the Triffids. Careful, they spit!

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Movie was not that bad , I enjoyed it and its not really scary at all like someone made me cry bad when sam died .

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overrated!!! I really don't understand the hype. Sandra acting is so good as always,there is some good scenes but while I was waiting much much more . I got the meaning of that we should always think of the blind and how difficult to live and thank God for the blessing of being able to see and "it has been their whole life living like that even before the mysterious force" but As a whole it could have been a lot better. It also reminds me of 'A Quite Place" which on the other hand I loved it

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Shout by Ray Carter
BlockedParent2018-12-30T05:34:12Z— updated 2018-12-31T19:47:31Z

This movie was Too long Terrible Pace and a Below Average Plot... I appreciated the backstory but the present plot wasn't executed well.. Overall Below Average Movie they should've cut the run time shorter IMO.. 3/5 I gave it

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