Review by cutecruel

Bird Box 2018

Review by cutecruel

I started watching Bird Box but honestly, it was boring af and I hear it only gets worse. I'll finish it someday I guess.

First of all, the disease is spreading across Europe? That’s fine, Europe not a real place, wtf even is a Romania? lol. But seriously, Sandra Bullock’s character was like, "meh, I couldn’t care less that people are dying because it’s not happening in the US". And that was the most realistic thing, because Americans can’t look further their noses.

Second, the movie is very predictable. I could guess where everything was going since the first frame. The characters is just your typical cast of absurdly diverse characters. The minute you see them, you know the hot black dude will be killed off last because he will be Bullock’s love interest (this is Netflix after all). Asian gay guy gets killed first but only after revealing his sexuality literally seconds before his death lol, black guy is the second death (but there’s two of them, so yay progress?), of course it’s the hot one that survives because ugly people don’t need representation. The suspense is taken away when I’m able to guess who’s going to die. And all the romantic relationships seemed to happen out of the blue.

Oh, and there’s a scene where John Malkovich drunkenly yells out “All of us, collectively, are making the end of the world...great again!” I mean, seriously?!?

All of the performances are god awful, and Sandra Bullock is too old to be a mother of this young children.

Why did Bird Box become such a social media sensation? Everything, absolutely everything about it is unimaginative, cliche, dull, lazy, or miserable to endure. The only memorable thing about this movie is the memes that it provoked. This is the type of formulaic nonsense that Netflix will keep foisting onto us.

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