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Bill & Ted Face the Music 2020

I just wasted hours of my life on this

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I REALLY wanted to like this but this just isnt Bill & Ted. I think its been too long and it has lost its nostalgia in a modern movie. Sorry dudes

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I didn’t expect it be anything amazing, the wow factor, live up to the original and expected it be more cheesy and try too hard with it and that’s what it was but did love seeing bill & ted again and they cool language and they were some funny moments.

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As a standalone film, it won't be winning any awards. As a final, feel good movie to the end of a trilogy started 31 years ago? Absolutely worth watching.

In recent years especially, it's good to try and unite the world.

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Was meh to me... I understand the budget is like 1/4 to other movies.. but this isnt what I wanted, the daughters (who happened to be baby boys in bogus journey) subplot was totally shoe horned in and felt unnecessary. What a waste....

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If you enjoy torturing yourself by killing off your braincells one by one and feeling every one of them pop separately, watch it.

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OMFG that was so bad it hurt. I get Hollywood forgot how to write new material and now need to go back to old hits to make money but they STILL CAN'T WRITE. Everything about this sucked. It didn't even give me a good feeling of nostalgia.

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It's not the song that matters; it's playing together.

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A bit of a disappointment seemed like a money grab

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So what happened to "Little Ted" and "Little Bill" from the end of the second movie? I'm fine with them having had additional kids but unless this is an alternate timeline I'm going to have to assume they died.

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The daughters made this so much more enjoyable.

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So bad I turned it off after 20 minutes.

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I couldn't stand the original but this one was decent.

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Maybe if I saw this when I was the same age I was when the originals came out I'd like it? But nearly 30 years later I'm struggling to figure out the appeal. I have a feeling this film traded too heavily on the nostalgia triggered by fans of the originals since, without that, this comes off like a direct to streaming, low budget continuation of the series that also is trying to be a passing of the torch of sorts? But I'm really struggling to see this attracting a new wave of fans. I was sad that there weren't many laughs to be had and that I just wasn't engaged.

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It started off slow but came around in the end. So glad I finally gave this trilogy a watch. Silly and great fun. You’ve got to love a movie that leaves you smiling as the credits roll. I give this film a 7 (good) out of 10. [Fantasy Adventure]

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Was better than it had any right to be. Surprisingly decent watch, enjoyed it really from start to end.

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Was so surprised, it was actually pretty good. Really funny in parts and felt like the story had ages really well. Quite nostalgic with the final song!

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Shout by Deleted

Eh, it was fun. not much else to say

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I haven't watched the previous two movies so I can't talk on the nostalgia it could present. To me, this film showcased alot of 80's cringe moments and I struggled with this as many acrettesses and actors I absolutely love were in this film but this only served to showcase them at their worst.

There were a few redeeming factors, although not many.

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I did not laugh.

At most, I smiled.

But maybe that counts as little as the song that is supposed to save the world in the film. In truth, it's about being excellent to each other. The film conveys this message in an absolutely unagitated way.

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Shout by HaxNet

I thought the movie was good as it brings back memories. Keanu's character felt force just didn't feel the same as the first 2 movies, but I get it.
I really wished the daughters weren't the ones that come up with the song. It went against the first movie where Bill & Ted were the stars of it all in the future. If it was the girls, it would've been the girls' holograms in the future. Felt force.

Overall, I had some laughs.

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This is very disappointing it is basically a cookie cutter remake of the first two movies rolled into one I think they waited way to long it was watchable but that's about it . The acting was bad I did like samara weaving was good in it but this was not worth the 30 year wait.the first two bill and Ted's were fantastic this one not so much.

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This was definitely one of my most anticipated movies of the year, so I'm glad they didn't delay it to 2021.

Honestly, the actresses who played Bill and Ted's daughters kind of stole the show a little. They did a great job at acting very Bill-and-Ted-esque, and so did Keanu and Alex. After being out of their roles for so long, they slipped back into them with ease without overdoing it.

The story is pretty simple, and that's totally fine. I didn't want to expect too much of this movie, and it turned out to be just like the other two; it's just a fun movie with fun moments and fun characters. That's what I was hoping for, and that's what it needed to be after all the waiting.

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Completely unnecessary and about as bad as I expected

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This is not my usual fare, but I got pressured in to it by friends. I'll say that I didn't hate it and watched to the end. The final song was, indeed, fabulous. Diverting but not something I'm going to rewatch.

To me, this seemed like a "Greatest Hits" album type movie, that brought back the most loved elements of the earlier movies in the series. I'm seeing a lot of franchises do such movies of late. I'm always suspicious that it's just a money grab from those that get residuals.

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I liked the movie. But the end 'songs' what was that? Couldn't they just record an actual song for the ending? Now it was a generic stock song in the background...

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As I walked in to the cinema I was cursing myself for not planning ahead and watching the original two movies in the weeks leading up to that day. But as the movie started, I found myself instantly transported back. For anyone who was a fan of Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure and Bogus Journey, this movie is outstanding.

It is a most excellent continuation of the saga. The new characters don’t ruin it as I feared they might. They make outstanding additions to the movie.

And when it got to the climax of the movie, I couldn’t decide between crying and screaming in excitement.

I have no idea how this movie will go for those who weren’t 10-12 when the originals came out as I was, but for those who were about those ages, SEE THIS! You will love it.

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keanus acting felt abit forced

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at 25 minutes I was sure they would ghost busters 2016 this movie...then they did not.. well, actually not until the end... when they actually did. Another dumb liberal trying to subvert things for ideology sake.. Why?? Who want this? This was garbage, too forced, but not so obvious like others (terminator, for instance). I'll quit watching movies, just south koreans this day are watchable

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What an unexpected crazy film. More extra-ordinary than extraordinary, but still really nice. Love to be surprised, in this period of predictable movies.

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There was no need for a follow-up movie, but this isn't that bad. It's not as good as the earlier films, and it's underwhelming at times, but its a passable time filler, if nothing more.

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Nice to see this finally come out but it should have happened in the 1990s.

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This movie made me soooo happy!! Amazing return of two of the greatest dudes in cinematic history. A breath of hilarious, scientific, good vibes — George Carlin is smiling down:sunglasses:

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All these years later - can I take my Mom up on when she used to say "I'm gonna slap you into next year"? I really need this year to be over and this movie is another example of why. Save yourself. Skip it. !sa Sve

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Even the ratings are 69%. Noice!!

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Can i use the phone booth to go through time to prevent people from seeing this?

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This movie has no right being as excellent as it is. I freakin loved it!

This past weekend I watched both Excellent and Bogus for the first time. Face the Music takes the very best parts of both earlier movies and combines them in a truly spectacular way while leaving the weaker moments of both prior movies in the past.

At just a hair over 90 minutes, Face the Music never seemed boring. The pacing of the film and overall progression of the story was very well done. Next sentence contains minor spoilers The ending was really REALLY outstanding and had me tear up a little bit when everything got resolved.

I'm gonna compare this in one way to Jurassic World and Jumanji. These two movies and Face The Movies are sotra 'sequels that nobody asked for' situations that turned out far better and more enjoyable than I think anyone anticipated.

Contains just the right amount of off-the-wall situations without going *completely off the rails (like some parts of Bogus). Takes the world building of the original and ads a modern twist.

Also, It was just awesome to see the time traveling sequences with modern graphics

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It was neither excellent nor bogus, but watchable.

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It was a lot of fun to see the gang 30 years later. They both seemed to fall right back into playing these characters, with all their goofiness, innocence, and charm. It was also fun to see the storyline that started 30 years ago come to an end...a slightly unexpected end but worth it.

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Good fun, if a little limp. I'm distraught about the phone number starting in 69 though.

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Completely ridiculous.

Everything you would expect from a Bill & Ted movie

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Didn't expect much from it, but it's a must watch if you liked the original 2 movies.

Cheesy but loved it!

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Shout by Todd Fury
BlockedParent2020-08-30T18:54:43Z— updated 2021-02-16T18:30:23Z

As someone who grew up with these movies and quoting lines from them every chance he gets, I loved it. Hell, I even named my League of Legends summoner name Deputy Van Halen. Don't listen to the people saying it's "woke trash." Watch it and decide for yourself. Is it a great movie that has amazing acting and is going to win awards? Hell no. Does it have brilliant plot twist and suspenseful turns that leave you on the edge of your seat with your mouth open? Absolutely not. It's a goofy, dumb comedy about two incredibly stupid guys in a rock band who save the world. And that's exactly what is so great about it.

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a very guilty pleasure dude! <3

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Shout by Deleted

Strictly for the fans of the franchise.

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Shout by Deleted

It's an ok movie, considering that the first two were very good, it's not that perfect.
He should have had a lot of music, but he didn't have much at the end and he wandered through some scenes.
He had some really funny scenes.
The ending was a bit fast, we still don't know what happens to the characters (it's not a spoiler).
I expected it to be better but it was still ok, it's not the best movie of 2020.

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I can't be the only one who felt secondhand embarrassment watching this, am I?

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This film was everything I needed right now.

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okay so had this been made on a different year this would have probably sucked but however the movie made me laugh out loud and it made me smile it's a very family friendly movie besides a few words but it's a very very good movie that I highly recommend it so excellent and sweet how they care so much about their family and wife's

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Personally I really liked the sound of the throat song at the start and would of loved to hear a whole song version. Felt the "Face the Music" was kind of underwhelming.

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You can never go back. But you CAN go on.

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Watched the whole trilogy today, had a most excellent time!

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This movie was everything I hoped it would be. Waited 19 years for it. Definitely not disappointed.

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This was... great?!? I thought it would be a cheap nostalgia grab, but I couldn't have been more wrong. A fun, often hilarious movie that shows a hell of a lot of heart and does justice to the movies before it. Great feel-good movie, and just what the world needs in 2020.

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It's great seeing more of the goofy Bill and Ted. There are some fun twists on the first two movies.

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Shout by Jim222001
BlockedParent2020-08-28T14:35:15Z— updated 2024-03-24T23:02:44Z

A predictable but fun ride that is close to being the best one. It is bound to make you smile. Though the end feels rushed.
Spoiler: It also doesn’t really work that of course since the film was made for this generation. That Bill & Ted’s daughters were the real chosen one.
I am not mad since Samara Weaving and Brigette Lundy-Paine are adorable as the daughters of Bill and Ted. It’s just that it doesn’t work with the earlier films that Bill and Ted are only the parents of the chosen ones. Or just their backups.
Also their daughters were actually sons in the 2nd film. Guys acting like Bill and Ted juniors could have been bad. So I actually like that this film made it that they were actually girls and never boys.

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It won't break any new ground and is fairly predictable in its twists, but Bill and Ted Face the Music is such good-natured, clean fun that it's impossible not to be glad it exists, especially in 2020.

Definitely not perfect, but most excellent, dudes.

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