This movie has no right being as excellent as it is. I freakin loved it!

This past weekend I watched both Excellent and Bogus for the first time. Face the Music takes the very best parts of both earlier movies and combines them in a truly spectacular way while leaving the weaker moments of both prior movies in the past.

At just a hair over 90 minutes, Face the Music never seemed boring. The pacing of the film and overall progression of the story was very well done. Next sentence contains minor spoilers The ending was really REALLY outstanding and had me tear up a little bit when everything got resolved.

I'm gonna compare this in one way to Jurassic World and Jumanji. These two movies and Face The Movies are sotra 'sequels that nobody asked for' situations that turned out far better and more enjoyable than I think anyone anticipated.

Contains just the right amount of off-the-wall situations without going *completely off the rails (like some parts of Bogus). Takes the world building of the original and ads a modern twist.

Also, It was just awesome to see the time traveling sequences with modern graphics

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