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Battleship 2012

If there is one movie that fits the category of "popcorn entertainment" perfectly: it is this one.

Such an enjoyable ride from start to finish. Time really does fly when watching this movie, in a good way.

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A good film to watch in an afternoon session without expecting something incredible. I agree that many of the performances were horrible and better actors could have been chosen for some roles, however, the combat, sound and screen transitions pleased me, when I watched it I wasn't having high expectations or expecting a mega production, I was just looking It's an action film without much to think about, so watch it with that thought and you'll have a good experience.

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This is my upteenth time watching this. It's amazing each time. The effects and sound are phenomenal. Whoever did the sound design is a genius - the noise those demolition robots make is so scary. The music score layered on top of the incredible bombastic sound just makes you get into the action so much. On top of that the mixing for DTS:X is outstanding.

Shame we didn't get more of these.

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Michael Bay and J.J. Abrams have called to say they want their trademarks back!

Otherwise, the movie is great. Even in hindsight it looks much better than it once did, probably due to the rash of such bad CGI movies in recent years that this one looks like a miracle. The plot is kind of weird, but that's okay.

So it's just that there's a scene after the credits that hints at a sequel that will probably never happen. Which is actually probably a good thing, because it would be terrible today.

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Looooove..exciting and newwwww...come abourd..we been waiting for youuuuuuuuu..on..the.. Loooooooooove Booooooat

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it's like a mix between the two movies pearl harbor/ war of worlds ...
it's not super good, but entertaining somehow

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Battleship is very much on the stupider side of things, but sometimes you just needs something mindlessly entertaining, and for that, this film is just about perfect. Besides, I'm physically and mentally unable to dislike a film that has AC/DC, ZZ Top, and Creedence Clearwater Revival on the soundtrack.

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The acting and storyline were mediocre. Video and audio FX were awesome on the other hand, especially when you watch it @ 60FPS. That said, the overall experience for me was compensated, thus giving it a fair rating. Quite a fun and entertaining treat for a wholesome viewing with the kids.

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Had a lot of fun with this one and I think it's a smooth run through for the most part. Yes the beginning is a little shaky and I thought some people needed to step up and find their balls sooner. Several times certain people annoyed the Hella out of me, but that being said it's a cool movie and entertaining, the VFX are slick and I really enjoyed Rihanna I just wish she had a bigger part and more onscreen. This movie fits right in with movies such as GI Joe and Pacific Rims which these are the better movies but Battleships is still a good lighthearted Alien Action Flick.

Right I'm off to get myself a Chicken

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"You sunk my battleship!"

Aww I had fun watching this one. It isn't perfect or deserving of any prestigious awards, but I did like a lot of the characters in it. Peter Berg brought back some of the Friday Night Lights cast and while it is silly, time flew by while watching it.

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If you make it past the first 30mins, well done. You're in for rip-roaring ride.

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When you boil it down it's basically Independence Day. sure it's scaled down and the pacing feels more like two acts rather than three, but if you ignore the first 20-30 minutes of the film it's actually pretty good. And lets face it, Independence Day is also schlock but the schlock worked that time.

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I had a lot of fun watching this film; I don't understand why people hate on it so much. Battleship was an excellent popcorn flick through and through. Yeah the story line was light but the special effects and action scenes were amazing and I found myself cheering for us (the human race) a couple of times throughout the film. There is just one scene in the whole movie which mirrors the game this film is based off of, but besides that one small scene nothing else about the game Battleship is used in the movie except for the title of the film. Instead everything else about this film is your typical science fiction/alien attack movie. As far as the acting goes, you can't go wrong with Liam Neeson and Alexander Skarsgård; Rihanna should just stick with her music career, and Taylor Kitsch was just OK for the lead, but I felt like they should of got someone else for the part. All in all, Battleship is a solid entertaining summer popcorn flick.

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This is the second time I'm watching Battleship. Starts off goofy. Once the action begins, it's non stop. Amazing special effects and sound. It's a Hasbro collaboration movie. You will get some Transformers vibes from this one. Extra points for playing Fortunate Son for the end credits. Definitely going into my 4K HDR collection.

Don't forget to watch the scene after end credits......

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Yes, it's true. This is ridiculous, cornball, and over-the-top. I mean, "Armageddon" style over-the-top. But it's also entertaining and a lot of fun. I didn't think I'd like it at all. I almost turned it off after the first 15 minutes but when the aliens showed up, things started hopping.

Much of the acting is terrible and what isn't is bad and delivered with a smirk. A lot of people will dismiss this as flag waving, rah-rah, patriotism. However, I thought it paid nice tributes to Veterans. It just shouldn't have let them act.

The visuals are great with Director Peter Berg tearing up the screen, delivering fast-action and transitioning into some amazing stop-on-a-dime, slow motion sequences. The explosions are great and those alien space craft are remarkably original. Everything in this movie is big and powerful.

This is not a movie to be taken seriously, it's just made to be taken in.

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Movie was total trash, if cliche was a movie it’s this trash!

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It looks and sounds spectacular, lots of action and well done. The script already such that the battleship skids, laughable. But I don't see these movies because of their script or realism

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This is one of my all time favorite movies. I've re-watched it 10 times since release according to Trakt Scrobbles. If you have a big boom setup it's absolutely amazing. The DTS:X track adds even more. If you have bass transducers your vision will be blurred.

A-M-A-Z-I-N-G thrill ride.

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Based on the board game that didn’t have aliens. This movie just does for the hell of it. If it was just a normal battleship movie with this cast. The film probably would be better but still probably not good.
Taylor Kitsch’s character would still have a unrealistic transition to a lieutenant though. One minute he is stealing a burrito to impress a girl. Is arrested for it and is told to choose jail or the military. He chooses the military. Then is suddenly a respected lieutenant ?
The film is almost a guilty pleasure due to a fine cast. The characters are so weakly written though.

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basically transformers in the water but i enjoyed it, acting bad but special effects were amazing......kind of wish it did better so a sequel would come out but can't always get what you want. i still call it Battleshit but love this movie either way

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Not the most sensical or realistic of movies, but I heavily enjoyed it. It starts off slow but it quickly gets more exciting. I like how mysterious and powerful the aliens are pictured, you don't even get to see what they look like until pretty late in the movie.

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Overall, id say from a true critique standpoint -- it's pretty bad. That being said -- I enjoyed it, and I was far from bored. It's a shame Alexander Skarsgård wasn't in it very long, because his acting was indeed impressive. Rihanna sucks.

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Battleship is a prototypical summer actioner. It's nowhere nearly as good as The Avengers, but as a very different type of film is still worth seeing if big-budget mayhem is your thing. If you're okay with a movie that doesn't stimulate your brain and requires only that you go along for the fast-paced ride and enjoy the show, Battleship is surprisingly entertaining.

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I've just watched this for a 2nd time and can't quite believe how much I enjoyed it! Its like a crap version of independence day, but that makes it kind of endearing. The special effects are some of the best I have seen in a movie and the sound is out of this world but actually the story is so bad its entertaining in a strange kind of way. Definitely a film you should watch a couple of times, its a grower!

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Michael Bay can only dream of making a Transformers film this good, but this is still pretty awful. Independence Day on water without the humour, this is played far too seriously. Predictable and largely dull and forgettable.

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Shout by Deleted

Decent movie. Not at all like the game.

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I expected less from this movie, but I actually quite enjoyed it :-) Good action, worth to watch.

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Shout by Deleted


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I really like this movie. You can just sit back, relax and have some fun for 2 hours.
Maybe not the best actors alive, but they still doing their job. Especially Gregory Gadson, who's a real soldier and despite his condition he really kicked some serious ass.

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Cleverly subversive. Seriously. It seems like a big dumb action movie, but it's so maximally dumb that you have to stop and ask yourself if there's more to it, particularly from Peter Berg.

I contend Battleship is actually a self-aware parody of Transformers that plays itself so straight you can't tell the difference. It's the Poe of summer blockbusters.

If you want to see how smart the movie actually is, ask yourself "Who are the bad guys, and why?" during the movie.

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Don`t know what people expect from those kind of films ?

Unrealistic scenes ? Well, yes - its a sci-fi movie not national geographic.

I agree they could have gotten more into the aliens to give it a bit more depth and overall the whole movie is like a melting pot of severall others.

Nevertheless sometimes I need movies where I don´t need to much intellect.

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Not so bad for a movie based on a Hasbro boardgame, except we understand neither the alien actions nor their psychology and there is too much unrealistic scenes.

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very exciting trailer, made me get all excited to watch this movie. Damn I was disappointed... as mentioned by others, a insult to your intellect. biggest flaw for me. an antique ship, being a attraction but fully functional and armed... yeah right.

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This movie was so BAD, the CGI was pretty good, but the alien race were just a bunch of weirdos with transformer vehicles.

At one point they had some kind of a shield out, which they couldn't pass, but that just got ignored and all of the sudden they were out. It made no sense at all.

Adding to that was a scene where they had to climb a boat which was vertical, and they did that on their knees so that was complete rubbish as well.

And the amount of bad one liners in one movie was just so high...

Gave it a "Weak souce"...

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Brain shut down 20 minutes in the movie. The body followed 5 short afterwards and I woke up the rest of the room with my snoring.

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Can't wait until Jenga comes out next summer!

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Absolutely cringe-worthy. The production is top notch but the story.. and the nationalism is just ridiculous. I can take some american flag waving but just putting it out there and wanking it out in public.. too much.

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Only watch for the special effects! The acting is terrible. there is no point to Rhianna's character, there has been alot of false/misguided marketing beefing up her role but her role is small and mostly consists of reaction dialogue (She doesnt even get her ass out lol). Liam Neeson wtf were u thinking? Rhianna was in this movie more and thats saying something. The whole plot evolved around an armageddon style relationship with a stupid commander's brother and the admirals daughter who gets arrested for stealing a burrito next minute hes in the navy as a lieutenant and after 2 officers die he becomes the captain and saves the entire planet (Ive not seen someone go up the ranks that quick since Apollo in Battlestar Galactica). To top it off the alien ships are terrible as well, they just hop on the water (in one direction) like a cross between a water strider and a frog, they also dont fly. I Couldnt pinpoint where they spent $200,000,000 it must all be in CGI or the fee for Rihanna. One thing that pissed me off was the fact your intelligence was being insulted constantly. an example was when 3 wheel like destruction robots are launched to take out the enemy (which is the US) but they destroy loads of unarmed helicopters, run through a field where kids are playing baseball, destroy concrete pillars holding up a section of a freeway instead of destroying the only remaining docked Battleship equipped with Harpoon and Tomahawk missiles that ultimately takes them out. It also happens to be a 70 year old battleship with a crew of the same age who are able to get the ship running in no time (also it still had most of its ammunition on board). Disappointing


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Star Ship Troopers revival.
Pump up the volume, switch off your mind and enjoy perfect CGI, incredible SoundFX and patriots at work...

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Those 2 hours went by extremely fast and the sound was incredible!

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Surprised at how much I enjoyed this one. As was said a million times already, it was very cliché and corny at times, but the amazing special effects and action made it all worth while. Expected Battle LA level nonsense but was pleasantly surprised.

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Holy poop. I think I just overdosed on cheese. Best epic silly nonsensical movie since 2012.

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The scriptwriters were probably on strike, but still this movie works. Loads of action fun. Worth the 2 hours??? In my humble won't find a better mindnumbing action this yes. :)

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This movie was as corny as the come, but if all you expect from it is a mindless action movie you won't be left disappointed.

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"Battleship" is a Sci-Fi film with over the top action and a very predictable storyline that realy leaves you just watching mindless special efects. Rihana is stuck to our faces in every single scene and the "Transformers" silliness is felt all over this from the very beginning. If you like the Transformers trilogy, you might actually like this but if you are like me and can't stand over the top films that make no sense..check something else.

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Awesome special effects. Awesome movie. Though the story is not so good but those action fill up the gap quite well. Enjoyed it :)

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Shout by dunpealhunter

BTW: i knew i saw that scene where Alex Hopper breaks into a convenience store just for a burrito before, its a direct copy from the real actions of a really stupid burglar who did the same thing. The only difference is that the burglar probably got 1 to 5 years in prison, while Alex Hopper lies on his brothers couch the next morning.... But that is big blockbuster Hollywood for ya, unrealistic and no action ever has a consequence....

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Real sailors were cast as extras. Gregory D. Gadson (double amputee) is an U.S. Army Colonel.

Back to movie,. CGI is excellent, script is terrible, acting is mediocre at best. Can't decide if it's just a failed blockbuster or a satire of blockbuster.

It definitly was entertaining at least the CGI part.

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Shout by dunpealhunter

What can i say about this movie that hasn't so far been said?

Like holy_fire said, the movie is of practically the same quality as those from Roland Emmerich or Michael Bay: visually stunning, a real orgy of CGI and action. Mixed together with a mediocre script filled with implausibilities (the aliens okay, i can understand that up to a point. But a 70 year old battleship attack ready in a few hours? Come on...) and actors who did a half decent job at best.

The old guys helping to attack one last time on that battleship USS Missouri at the end was nice. But the way how they showed up (standing on the ship silent while Alex Hopper looks around) was out of place, that felt even less real than the rest of the movie. BTW: i am pretty sure that those were not actors but real marines who fought in WW II.

All in all its a nice movie. But don't expect too much of it story-wise, or you will be disappointed.

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very stereotypical plot and characters, awesome special effects. Typical summer blockbuster material. Recommended if you like movies by Roland Emmerich or Michael Bay.

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Shout by Deleted

Best comedy in a long time! It makes good fun of the all American heroes.

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Shout by ketu

I really liked this movie. =)

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great entertainment.

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Shout by Ben

*** Extra Scene After the Credits ***

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Shout by Joost

Very entertaining movie! Indeed, there are some very cliché moments, but there are also some very unpredicatable moments in the movie. Must see!

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Shout by Deleted

Awesome movie, i like it !!! Very nice, action non stop and funny parts !!

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all clichés and plotlines you expect are present and the they really play a round of Battleship. But nonetheless it was entertaining. Aliens look cool and dialog is reduced to a minimium - so the rest of the time there are bits and pieces flying everywhere.

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Amazing movie!

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Shout by Ben

Trailer #2:

This is (better) gonna be huge!
It may be a face-off between "Dark Knight Rises" & "Battleship" for best action 2012 (with 'Prometheus' & 'Avengers' in mind).

But I have to agree with @dunpealhunter here, we have been fooled before - "Battle Los Angeles" & "Skyline" says it all.

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I saw the trailer of this movie, it seems like this movie could become the summer blockbuster of 2012!

But i have been fooled before by awesome looking trailers (Battle: Los Angeles, Skyline), so ill wait patiently for the release of this movie.

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Shout by Ben

I can't wait to see it!

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