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Back to the Future Part II 1989

The future is now. Just seen it!!! With Pepsi Perfect and Hoover commercial. What a day!

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“The timeline skewed into this tangent…” Back to the Future Part II is a spectacular mess. Its ambition gets ahead of itself, resulting in a disjointed and convoluted film that, while entertaining, isn’t very cohesive. While Marty and Doc are visiting the future Biff steals the time machine and alters the past, forcing Marty and Doc to go back to 1955 and undo the damage to the timeline. The first half of the film is a train wreck, but the second half (when they return to 1955) is brilliant. The writing is especially clever in the way it interweavers the story through the first film and expands upon it. And the cliffhanger ending is outstanding, acting like a shot of adrenaline that revs up the energy of film to end on a thrilling climax. Despite the clunkiness and plot issues in the first half, Back to the Future Part II manages to deliver a fun and exciting adventure.

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One of the most under-rated movies that may lack the heart of the original; but is amazingly fun. The film had a unique look at the future. In 2015 we're still waiting for the cool future the movie predicted.
Back to the Future 2 is a great ride.

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Hey little girl! Thats MY Pitbull!!

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Admit it! Everybody here watched it again on the 21st October 2015. I know I did ;)

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Welcome Marty McFly! <3ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ

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Not quite as good as the first and feels a little too similar but still is a lot of fun. I think the 2015 part is the best.

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Shout by Deleted

Happy Back To The Future Day!

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If you don't watch this movie today you're not a true fan I say! :D
OCT 21 2015

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My favourite out of the trilogy! The film is so comical and I love watching what they thought the future was going to be like!

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TODAY is the day!!! OCT 21 2015

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Wouldn’t back to the future 2 Marty start to disappear when the 3 guys were waiting to beat up BTTF 1 Marty who was playing the guitar. (Even tho Marty 2 was able to stop them from stopping Marty 1) for an example in bttf 1 Marty 1 was disappearing because his dad hadn’t kissed his mom, in bttf 2 the 3 guys were on course to stop Marty 1 which should’ve made Marty 2 start to disappear

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Prepare yourself for what may arguably be the best movie out of the trilogy (probably because you get to see the future and past and everything in between; although, I'm still torn between rating the first or the second as my absolute favorite). It is the continuation of a fun first movie, and keeps up the creativity and novelty. So, sit back and let the Delorean be your guide.

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My Favourite part of the series and actually does what a sequel is suppose to do and surpass the original in story, in scope and in ambition while also raising the stakes and
Back to the Future part 2
Ticks all the boxes.
Part 1 is amazing and you have so much fun but
part 2 is frickin awesome truly a wild wild ride and everything is on the line and it all just feels so Epic.
The first act is good, really good, then we hit 1955 and it starts to overlap with the first movie and honestly especially for the time this movie was made was just super Awesome And is literally movie magic how they pulled it all off and how they pulled it off so bloody well. This movie definitely out does part 1 and that is no easy feat but for the work that's been put into it and the vision that's been executed perfectly there is no wonder why this is the strongest and even more entertaining part.

"This All Seems Rather Familiar"

(And I loved every single second of it)


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This isn't even half as good as the first one :unamused:

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If you didn't rewatch this on 10/21/15, you haven't truly lived

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Awesome movie :)

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Theme- 8.5/10
Rewatchibility- 8/10
Acting- 8/10
Kinematography- 9.5/10
Time- 9/10
Total - 43/5 = 8.6

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:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: - One of The best time travel films ever made. It's a masterpiece. It's a CLASSIC.

My rating system works:
10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:heart:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:heart: - Bull Shit

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It acts as a link between the first and third parts.

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It’s getting better with every sequel.

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Nowhere near as good as the original sadly. We re-see scenes from the first one again and crazy depictions of the future. 6/10.

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Flying car? I think it will never happen at least in this century. Aviation is pretty much same since 1985, even now in 2021.

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If Doc had travelled to 2020 instead he could have warned us of COVID, instead he went to a 2015 that actually looks more like 2050

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Not as quite good as the first one but it does its job, keeps you interested for more

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Sparkling less than 1, the effects Blu-ray sing, but could already learn a lot from it

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Synced the movie up so they arrived in the future at 4:29 PM in real life. Aw yiss.

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Well, 25 years later the future was kinda silly, but still a great movie.

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people just love this because fly car and hoverboard

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Love it.

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Similarly great to the first movie, although a little bit more confusing and crazy, just like our dear Doc Brown. 2015 does look very interesting, but if I compare the clothes they wore in the future to, eg, our dear Lady Gaga, who wore a dress of raw meat, I think they're not that far off the weird-scale.

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Shout by Deleted

And the adventure continues back and forward through time! I didn't know what I was missing by not watching Back To The Future films until now.

Back To The Future Part II provide us the same level of absolute fun and entertainment as it's predecessor. Marty and Doc are even more frenetic and crazy and I liked that!

The only reason why I can't rate it with five stars like I did with the first film is the fact that you can't watch part II without seeing part I. You will be very confused if you do that.

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Shout by Deleted

My fav of the series

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The first one is so much better..

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Look, I really want to love this movie. I can't though... The cast is intolerable and it's just such a shitty view of the future. It's a hard one to sit through.

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They predicted the future wrong...we don't have air cabs till now (2018). I wish someone go back in 1985 and correct this. Nice movie though.

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They predicted the future wrong...we don't have air cabs till now (2018). I wish someone go back in 1985 and correct this. Nice movie though.

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Shout by Deleted

Loved this one as well. Damn i so wished hard that hoverboard was real when i was a kid haha.

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