My Favourite part of the series and actually does what a sequel is suppose to do and surpass the original in story, in scope and in ambition while also raising the stakes and
Back to the Future part 2
Ticks all the boxes.
Part 1 is amazing and you have so much fun but
part 2 is frickin awesome truly a wild wild ride and everything is on the line and it all just feels so Epic.
The first act is good, really good, then we hit 1955 and it starts to overlap with the first movie and honestly especially for the time this movie was made was just super Awesome And is literally movie magic how they pulled it all off and how they pulled it off so bloody well. This movie definitely out does part 1 and that is no easy feat but for the work that's been put into it and the vision that's been executed perfectly there is no wonder why this is the strongest and even more entertaining part.

"This All Seems Rather Familiar"

(And I loved every single second of it)


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