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Avengers: Infinity War 2018

Absolutely BRILLIANT. Edge of the seat stuff. Great effects and CGI. Watch out for Satan Lee cameo. Overall, a great way to spend 2 1/2 hours being entertained. Keeps you gripped all the way through. Well done Marvel.

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The movie was so good and so nerve wrecking! Some moments annoyed me so bad, but I understand that there was a lot of mixed emotions and stuff that made it difficult to just become united fighting buddies in matter of minutes. Really loved it and can't wait for a sequel because the ending broke me! It was so heartbreaking and hard to watch

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Shout by Deleted

Best movie I've ever seen coming from the Marvel Universe. It's a masterpiece.

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Shout by FB1406

I went to the cinema twice for this film and I cried a lot when I first went. Spider man made me very sad. The players were always of a Marvel quality, and we know and love most of the previous films. The film was beautifully tied, although it passed in different places. The Russo brothers made themselves known here. There was no word to say to Thanos. The images and the acting were perfect. Iron man and spiderman were very good at their new armor. The strombreaker was good as well. Some of the characters were few. Some were far ahead, and the movie was good overall. I hope we see more of Captain America

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hands down not only my favourite marvel movie but also my favourite movie of all time. it managed to surpass Jurassic park which was my favourite till now

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Yea, this was kinda able to fill mostly everyone's tummy I guess !.

Just an ordinary man's perspective

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Thanos is the modern Cincinnatus and the universe's greatest civil servant.

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Being a marvel fan, Im speechless. After a while im watching a movie with so much of fun and non stop action! If the movie was 5 hours, it wouldnt have been enough for me! I hardly do this, but this movie is a perfect10 for me! Cant wait for the next! 10/10

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Shout by Deleted

Only Good. More than the same.. but more big.

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The Man with the Plan. Vote Thanos 2020

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Shout by Deleted

Wow men
Thank you so much

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I loved this sooo much!

It was heartbreaking, but amazing!!!

I want to see it again, and again, and again :)

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Brilliant. So many quality actors and actresses at the same time. Love the dynamic, if only a little too short to give anyone enough screen-time!

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Somehow this one blew all of the other Marvel movies out of the water. They gave nearly every character meaningful parts while still crafting a compelling story. It's 2.5 hours long but I wanted to watch it again immediately after it finished.

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I may change my mind about this on subsequent viewings, but I can't help but be incredibly impressed. The film's an amazing culmination of years of work, and any minor complaints I may have feel insignificant next to everything it does so phenomenally well.

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It was an alright film

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Shout by Fernando

Definitely breathtaking, the film gets a good pace without being overwhelming. That mic drop was not expected talking about a marvel film, you don't await this movie to be that dark but anyway I enjoyed so much.

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What would all these movies be without Robert Downey and Benedict Cumberbatch? And I guess Chris Pratt. Silly movies, posing as having substance. What are they with them? Silly movies, posing as having substance, but with cool actors. Great humor, though, that the rest of the movie pretty much gets in the way of.

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Shout by Mike

Movie was ok.
Predictable Storie. Stupid sayings. A whiny spiderman. The Deaths will be undone. Thanos motivations to destroy the half Universe are implausible.

Marvel got nothing more for me. I will always be an DC Fan.

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This movies was full of fun scenes, a lot of drama and suspense. This was an amazing movie. I'm still shock of how things ended for everyone but hey, there is a second part to fix what Thanos did.
Gamora broke my heart. She did an amazing job. Thor crying was so hard to watch!! Dr. Strange saving Iron man was incredible.
All of those amazing heros fighting together in Wakanda was one of the coolest thing I ever saw.
I'm so excited to see the other part. Marvel did good with this movie.
I can't believe 10 years has pass since the beginning. Let's keep enjoying all of those incredible histories.

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A question for MCU: How f*cking dare you?

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Way too busy for me, but beautifully done

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DRAX: Tell him about the dance off to save the Universe!
TONY: What dance off?
PETER PARKER: Like in Footloose? The movie?
PETER QUILL: EXACTLY like Footloose!

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I wanted to like it a lot. There was nifty interplay between the Marvel storylines, but no emotional hooks whatsoever, and the consequences are still to be seen.

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Not as fun as the first Avengers, the first Guardians of the Galaxy or even Thor: Ragnarok. The action is not as good as in Winter Soldier or Civil War. Despite that, I think Infinity War is a really good movie, after ten years in the making, it did not disappoint. Time went really fast! I think they could hardly do better. The fact that there are so many important characters and the movie is so fast going from scene to scene. It is one of Marvel's best for sure and a must watch for any movie goer, even more if you are a Marvel fan.

My only cons are the acting that sometimes is not the best, and the unnecessary comedy that is there for no reason in certain scenes. I really liked how the villain was portrayed though.

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10 years, 18 movies and the words 'worth it' don't come close to describing the satisfaction.

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i would love the film more if the deaths of heroes were more painfully. it seemed like they weren't actually dead and all if this would be undone, or is it.

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Shout by Deleted

gamora dies , Vision die too

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Shout by Deleted

topissimo d+ my brother aaa!

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Marvelous. See what I did there? I swear I'm a funny guy.

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Last 5-10 minutes was unbearable

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Shout by Deleted

Everything about this movie was picture perfect. The way the russo brothers incorporated each character's individualised personalities from the other films leading up to this really made this movie much more impactful.

Absolutely cannot wait for Avengers 4. Wow

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Shout by A.K.

Movie was great.Maybe it was not upto the expectation of some people but for me it was awesome. Thor , Dr. Strange , Spider-man and Iron man were so cool. Banner And Quill got some funny lines and funny scenes. Cap looks so good.
It was stretched too much especially the story of Thor so i lost my interest in the middle for a short time.
I love the fight between Thanos , strange and stark.
Spider-man's suit is just like The superior spider-man from comic.

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Too much brainless action but still a solid movie. Don't expect some kind of complex or engaging story, it's a Marvel movie.

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I bid you farewell and good luck, morons!

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Doesn't matter what happens in this, The Time Stone will fix everything in the second part lol

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Loved this movie. This was one of the first Marvel movies where I felt that there were actual stakes. The performances were top notch as always. If nothing else, you have to atleast appreciate the unprecedented scale of this movie.

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I hope to never live in a Thor-less MCU.

I sit here wondering how far Strange was able to see as far as the one victory. Could he only see as far as he lived or could he see past his own demise.

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OMG this series is played out! Robert Downey played Iron Man well one time, the first iron man movie! This is just sad as to what this has become. OH YEAH, the rest of Hollywood realized that Chris Evans overplays EVERY role he is in and doesn't cast him in anything decent anymore, but Marvel just ignores that apparently. Thank god DC puts more thought into their movies and the only mistake they have made so far is Ben Affleck!

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Summed up into one word, Wow!

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Amazing film!!!! Best from the all Marvel films ever!!!

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Oh. my god. I am so angry.

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the best, hardest and most heroic of the Marvel movies. The hype was justified, Everything is well balanced, 1 post-credits scene. The credits with the most people I've ever seen

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WOW. I just know that I needed to see this dark and intense tone in a Marvel movie SO BAD, spectially seeing a non-comical Thor.
And the new, more serious and revel Captain, love him, even more than before
Still need a bit more time to process everything in this film

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Great Movie....very Sad ending

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Wow! I saw it in IMAX 3D and it was definitely worth the money.

It is really amazing! It started with a lot of action right off the bat. It has all the emotions. It will make you laugh. It will make you cry. It will even make you proud after certain scenes. And lots of good placed jokes.

What surprised me the most is the story behind Thanos and his reasoning for doing what he's doing. Strangely there were moments when I sympathized with his character. There was depth to this character, not just a bad ass who kills left or right and you have no idea why.

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Every nerd's dream come true.

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Wait for after credits scene, it's totally worth it. CAPTAIN MARVEL FTW

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i saw it and i am emotionally compromised.

my heart hurts for Tony Stark especially.

honestly i have too many thoughts about this movie, but i don't know how to express them.

all i can say is: great movie. I am still shocked and in denial. also i may resent marvel a bit now. for a while.

i will go cry some more.

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The expected mix of action, adventure and comedy. With a cast of approximately 38 major parts, it can be a whirlwind and frankly, a little nauseating and my main criticism of the film. I can't get into much with out spoiler territory, but I would say to fully enjoy this movie, you should have seen most of the recent Marvel films (including Spider-Man: Homecoming) to get the most out of it. Sit back and enjoy. 8/10

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Holy jebebus! ... that can't be the end of the movie.

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Shout by Deleted

the only thing that bugs me is...
How the fuck are they going to continue the MCU, I mean they have Antman and the wasp coming up, Captin marvel, Avengers 4, Spiderman 2 and more BUT they killed almost everybody in this movie???

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It was long, sometimes it wasn`t as cohesive but the end... MAN. I WAS SHOCKED.

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This movie is something special that has happened to the movie industry lately. The movie wholly was arguably a perfect one with the blend of actions and humours that very well landed and the bgm was just like an icing on cake. In total something you gotta watch from theatre itself. A movie that can rewrite the cliche ideas of every other superhero movies out there.

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Shout by Ben
BlockedParent2018-04-28T06:12:36Z— updated 2018-05-20T23:20:59Z

Does this mean superheroes are finally disappearing?

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So much wow.

I'd wondered how this movie would manage to handle so many varied superheroes and their interactions. I'll just say here that: It works.

And now I'm going to be wondering for the next year: What the heck did Stephen see?
And why was Nick's unquestioning impulse to send a message to them/her?

I suspect we won't know much on those until the releases of Captain Marvel and Avengers 4.

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Greatest thing I've seen in my life.

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Well worth the wait, but omg that ending.

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Wukanda compositing still looks bloody awful!

Maybe it's because I'm British & sunny skies always look fake to me

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Shout by Deleted

This is the best Marvel movie ever.... it has everything what it needes.... I love it and I will watch this again.... pure love

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Shout by Nancy L Draper
BlockedParent2018-04-27T20:26:43Z— updated 2019-03-22T04:32:36Z

A great job at what could have been a big mess. So many characters, such different tones in the worlds of the different heroes, such a big story arc to be told in one movie (Ok, the rest is to be told 26 April 2019, but they covered a lot of ground in this one). Things that caught my attention: great performances by all the cast, real stories interweaving the larger story, not just 3 minute cameos. Laugh out loud lines. A real threat demanding great cost. Spectacular success for the Russos in a Herculean endeavour. Just really well done! On a rewatch, I bump up my rating from 9 (superb) to 10 (I don't know how it could have been better) out of 10. [Superheroes Action Adventure]

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Well that was a traumatizing experience. Do you know how it felt like being punched in the gut by every strangers passing, that’s how that felt. How could they do that to us. Also we still have to wait one whole fucking year to find out what’s going to happen next.

Can’t wait to watch that 10 more times.

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Holy shit it was Amazing i couldn't stop crying.Best marvel movie ever made.

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Anyone who does not like this or tries to find fault in this is pure heartless.
this is a masterpiece throughout. its every frame will leave you in awe.
each of the massive number of characters is NEVER underused.
the comedy is outstanding.
and for any comic book movie lover or action lover there are moments that will be stamped in your head forever.
The doctor strange action moments truly outshine everyone (im a dr. strange fanboy but still i believe so)

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Every character got enough screen time. Humor, action, story, blood.
Everthing was nearly perfect except the end because you know everyone will be revived in part 2

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I was in fourth grade when Iron Man trailer was released on Jan 7th, 2008. Never expected I would be this hyped for this movie after 10 years. And I don't regret it. I can't put my word to it. I just love this.

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Wow the Russos actually did it. I can't believe this movie works as well as it does. The movie just breezed by, there is so much going on and it is paced so well. The action is great and the stakes are real. Thanos's plan is a dumb one but they do make him a well rounded character and he is one of the few villains to actually pull it off. There is a ton of humor but it also manages to be really emotional at times. It is going to be a long year but at least we get to see Captain Marvel in between.

EDIT: After seeing it again it still is amazing how well everything works. This is probably the darkest MCU movie so far but still is fun and has a ton of one liners. The humor is still fantastic and on GotG level. I just realized that it is the original Avengers team that is left to start Avengers 4. I expect most everyone that turned to ash to come back but not without sacrificing the original team.

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greatest i've ever watched in my entire life. i don't know how to feel right now. tired and excited. this movie really put me on the edge.

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one of the best avengers movies ever,all the action and humor in one movie that will attract your attention in ever second.
to be honest I'm speechless.

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the end is JAW Dropping
can't wait for the next movie

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Shout by Lee Brown Barrow Movie Buff
BlockedParent2018-04-26T19:40:46Z— updated 2018-05-05T10:57:19Z

The question on everybody's lips is of course, "Is it better than the Fantastic Four movie?" Well, that depends on what Fantastic Four movie you mean. Is it the....okay, who am I kidding. Of course it's better. It's better than possibly every superhero movie out there, except maybe Catwoman, Superman IV, and Jonah Hex. This is an incredible achievement, and while it certainly isn't a perfect movie, it still does enough right to make diehard superhero fans whoop and holler, as well as shed the occasional tear. There's little to be said that hasn't already been mentioned on this site and in other reviews, hence my offbeat opening - has any other review questioned the superiority of this against those less than fantastic outings? Of course not. This is a film to be seen for yourself; try and avoid spoiler-filled reviews and try not to read the comic book its based on. Tremendous fun, but not at the cost of some very high emotional stakes for our heroes.

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A Guardians of the Galaxy film is not the same style as an Iron Man film which has a different feel than a Doctor Strange film and a different look than a Thor film... In Infinity War when they talk about a clash of super heroes, they mean 'clash' in the sense of a bloke wearing sandals, white socks, black trousers and a plaid sports coat. There's nothing wrong with any of those styles, it's just that they don't necessarily go well together.

My other issue with Infinity War is the conflict... A being who states he wants to create balance in the universe so he has to kill half of every living thing? WTF!? That the plot of a movie of this stature could be based on a logical fallacy of that magnitude borders on the absurd and spills over into the ridiculous.

Apart from those issues, we have a Marvel movie which is better than most. Exposition isn't excessive, there are more than one laugh out loud jokes and the action, while not revolutionary, is entertaining. The Avengers have arrived and they do not disappoint.

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Shout by quasar1967
BlockedParent2018-04-26T18:09:06Z— updated 2018-04-30T09:45:39Z

i never use words like masterpiece to describe any movie, let alone a comic book movie, but avengers infinity war is without a doubt, a masterpiece, and the russo brothers should be commended for what they have created here. jaw dropping from beginning to end, and an ending i never saw coming. i expected there to be deaths, but not on the scale we got. where does the MCU go from here? we won,t know that until after avengers 4 next year, and i for one can,t wait

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Just got back from the theater and I really just don't have words to describe how I'm feeling right now. I knew the movie would be amazing and all, but it was so much more. Marvel never ceases to mess with me and I'm pretty sure this movie broke me. Loved it. 10/10.

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Well It's good to be alive when Hollywood throws in lots of marvel super heroes/super villains, lots of awesome kick arse fights, some good comedy , a great script, some magic stones, some brilliant CGI effects and fuck loads of action and make it work, fit like a gauntlet into one movie. Amazing! That ending tho... damn! Marvel films just keep on getting better and I just can't get enough of them. Bring more on!

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My heart hurts, my mascara has stained my cheeks and I am left awestruck.

What an incredible film, everyone needs to see this.

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So I just got home from Avengers: Infinity war......god how to review this without giving you any spoilers....
Well the movies started, lots of shit happened, Stan Lee cameo somewhere, credits roll....
yeah I think that about covers it....

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This movie is the combination of every other MCU movie building up to a single epic masterpiece! Not a single second of wasted screentime, humor, action, tragedy and magnificent actors. Well done Marvel, well done! Insert applause here

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I've been a Marvel fan for years, so let me tell you that for ten years of preparing for this event, I think this movie was a little rushed. Thanos finding all six infinity stones in one film? I think that's too much to fit all in one movie.

Loki and Gamora. That was a good twist, though. Totally unexpected with Gamora.

I loved the character team-ups. Some of my favorite pairs were Quill & Tony, Strange & Bruce, and Okoye and Nat!!!

How many times do we have to repeat this? PROTECT PETER PARKER AT ALL COSTS.

Okay, another major plot hole. How was Bruce unable to turn into the Hulk? I need explanations. He spent years as the Hulk and the big guy just won't get out? What's the point?

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Avengers: Infinity War

I entered this movie with tempered expectations, but it elicited a reaction of pure giddy joy that I didn't think a Marvel movie could give me.
Tight pacing, spectacular visuals, good humour and worthy acting.


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Shout by Deleted


Just got back from the cinemas. I think the movie is great.
The mix of humor, action and darkness and some really good twists.

The last 10 minutes are also perfect. Everyone was shocked.

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1st day 1st show confirmed after a long time !!

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Can't wait. This is going to be epic.

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Was I the only one that had his heart beat a little faster after the trailer released?

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Shout by Deleted

i hope it will be amazing

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Shout by Deleted

Yea, ensemble cast look's good, but when will they announce/let slip Hugo Weaving's return as The Red Skull? We all know he's not dead, he was wisked away in very similar style to the Bifrost at the end of capt 'murica. Is he with Thanos? If so, will Thanos bring him to earth and totally f***-up Rogers day?

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Waooo... I am already waiting for this great combo of all the superheros .

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I really cant wait for this one to come out, especially after the last guardians and avengers movies, those 2 together will be freaking legendary!

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