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Assassin's Creed 2016

They got the look and costumes right. The cast is also perfect. So where did they go wrong ? Despite some fine looking action none of it is involving. Plus the video games pulls you into the 13th Century more than this movie does.
When Callum (Michael Fassbender) gets transported into the life of his ancestor, we mostly get all action and no character development. There's the making of a good video game based movie for once.
Except there's just not enough to the story to make you care about what's going on or the characters.

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How is that 55 people already voted four months before it was released? Seriously?

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Shout by Deleted

what the fuck... 78 votes when is not even realeased yet, holy shit people have some serious problems

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YOU WERE THE CHOSEN ONE! You were supposed to destroy the bad video movies, not join them! Bring balance to cinema, not leave it in darkness!

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Maybe rather than 15 minutes of credits, they could have better spent the time on a decent final act.

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I haven't played the games so i don't know how true was to that so i will judge this as a simple action movie which failed miserably. The whole matrix hookup machine was ridiculous the action was mediocre and the story didn't left much to say or given room to built up, very chaotic. I prefer Warcraft movie than this.

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Friend dragged me into this. Knew it would suck. My radar for sucky movies is pretty good. I was right. Project was obviously too big for Justin Kurzel or whatever his name is. It was stop and go, stop and go, stop and go, stop and go, stop and go throughout the whole movie. It made me sick to my stomach. Fight scenes are good, CGI is above average and Fassbinder crushed it. Other than that there is nothing good to say about this movie. The only thing that keeps it from being the worst movie of 2016 is that "Inferno" was worse and I didn't have any hopes or expections for AssCreed anyway.

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The whole movie felt like it was the trailer for the movie.

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It was almost a good movie. But the lack of character development and abrupt ending made it feel like it was rushed towards the end. There's no real ending which leaves a sour taste in the mouth. However, the little action we do get is quite satisfying.

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it had huge potential but there was not enough to it.

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Video game movies are quite clearly hard to pull off, given their track record so far. This movie isn't bad and as a fan of the games I was excited to see it. I imagine non-fans of the games may struggle to synchronise with the film due to its complexity and failure to fully explain its concepts. Still, the action is good though I was disappointed to see no hay carts and assassins struggling to climb down from a ledge whilst rapidly pushing an X button. A decent film and perhaps, as with the games, future instalments will improve should sequels be made.

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I don't understand the negativity this movie got from critics. Totally worth your time if you are into this kind of stuff. Crossing my fingers they make more

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When the film was first released I expected too much and was disappointed. Today I rewatched it, expected nothing and enjoyed it much more

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Honestly one of the worst movies I have ever seen, and I already had very low expectations for it.

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A forgettable movie. Bad CGI and poor story. If you played the games, this won't be of your liking.

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YOU WERE THE CHOSEN ONE! You were supposed to destroy the bad video movies, not join them! Bring balance to cinema, not leave it in darkness!

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I expected more than I should, kind to say I was disappointed.

I guess it never could get up to it’s expectations, if they carry name of Assassin Creed, they must deliver, not just throw few people on set and scribble few lines for them to grunt, and later add some CGI to it.
You just don’t make movies like this, this is an example.

Lack of everything.

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What a shame, a movie with such a terrible plot that drags you along until the end, and you leave the theater thinking where the hell is the rest of the movie (probably a DLC for later, eheh).
The action is tolerable, it could be so much better.
The overuse of fog made me rage while looking at the screen, because there are other ways to have some decent cinematography, but seems like fog and dust are these cinematographer's shtick, it's good for a while but it gets tiresome fast, very fast.

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Yayyyy video game movies ppphhhffrrrrttt

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I have always wanted to see Jake Gyllenhaal as an Assassin (because he has one's factions) however Michael Fassbender did not disappoint. The film is not bad, it has good action, the costumes are perfect, but at the same time so much action and the little introduction of the characters is the negative point. Only the negative point. And I would also like the story to focus on the original era, not those "journeys in genetic memories" .

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Shout by Johan
BlockedParent2017-06-28T22:03:06Z— updated 2018-05-28T22:15:31Z

Make a good action movie or a movie with a really interesting story/plot.
This movie lacks both so there's not that much of good action and the story really sucks!

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to enjoying this movie you should have played the Assassin's creed game series

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amazed by the top notch fighting and visuals, confused by the story

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Terrible. I went with lot of expectations only to feel let down. The making and all seems good. But I felt that the connect was missing completely which is very important for movies of such kinds. This movie is a very good example to show the world that having only top notch stunt scenes without substance at all is a recipe for disaster. IF AT ALL the director has plans to make a sequel, I would request him to make screenplay such that the audience can deep dive into the movie and feel the connect with the characters to enjoy the movie. Would rate it 6/10. Watch at your own risk.

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An apple a day keeps a doctor away, but it doesn't keep an assassin away... fast based action.... good leading actor... good effects... but lacked in runtime.. too short for me.. but other than that not bad... i'm not into the games thought... but i've heard off a lot off people that have to know what was going on... give it a try... if you don't like apples then give it a miss ha

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The current part I'm not very interested, the part in the Seville of the inquisition yes, good action and fights

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I guess no one was forced to make an adaptation of Assassin's Creed and yet this movie seems made just to complete the checklist of a studio. What's more surprising is the cast they've managed to pull together just for that.

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at the end of the move you can tell this movie was clearly setting up a universe of movies ( I didn't know until I watched it, wasn't really invested at the time of it's premiere) that unfortunately didn't happen. it has the basic elements of the assassin's Creed universe but somehow... fells... off? like it is not bad it has nice effects but it lasts two hours and it feels very shallow, I can't remember the name of more than two characters even though they wanted to introduce a whole group of modern day assassins... it was entertaining but if you're a hardcore fan of the franchise you'd probably feel a bit underwhelmed

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Much better than expected.

I haven't played any of the games so I'm going strictly from the movie.

The plot was interesting. The action is great. Not much character development. Great scenery. Acting and dialog weren't particularly good.

Overall, I gave it a 7 out of 10 for the action and scenery.

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Shout by Deleted

Assassin's creed is one of my favorite saga games, but this movie was not good but not bad.I was so excited for this movie but when finish to watch i was wrong about this movie, sometimes was boring, Aguilar was not doing asasination on this movie, is only stay on animus and sometimes travel to templars.

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too much flashback, way too much,.really spoil the fight scene. 1/10.

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As many have said, the movie as an adaptation of a part of the game. The story is not explained rather the viewer is simply thrown into it - without having knowledge of AC games the viewer is left confused.
The movie is not bad, but the story has no flow, no start and no ending - it is clumsly skipped and forcefully thrown together at a pathetic attempt of an ending.

If you played the games (primarily the first one) or are looking for action movie without a story it's a good time-killer.

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Films about the video game universe are rather specific and usually not everyone can understand or appreciate the author's conception, the main idea. In Assassin's Creed is quite so. Usual viewer enjoy the action scenes, fights, medieval settings, conception of brotherhood of killers, but addition of religions and Eden apple along with undefied position of some characters (woman-scientists) spoil the film. Because of this, Assassin's Creed got only 5 killer blades out of ten.

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Second time seeing and not only was I still confused but I fell asleep again. Oh well, at least I got to watch Michael Fassbendmeover. :fire:

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Shout by Deleted

Good but not enough.It must continue.

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Not a gamer, so no idea about the world whatsoever. Watched this as another Fassbender project. He was great as always, but I have so many questions, so many. I still enjoyed watching it. The directing here is something else.

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What a god damn mess this flick ended up being...

There's few if any redeeming points to mention about Assassin's Creed.
One thing might be that some of the actors did a decent enough job with the shitty material they were given...

Anyway...stay way clear of this one. Play the games instead...way better use of your time.

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This movie was terrible………another bad video game film

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Big Deception.
I would've Loved A Game With Aguilar.
The Movie Was More About Callum than Aguilar.

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Not great. Not bad. "Meh" seems right. Character development was weak. Some good action scenes. Good cast, some seemed wasted. Gleason was barely in it, and Irons spent most of the movie staring grimly.

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Images: 10. Special effects: 10. Fights and/or action scenes: 10. Story: ZERO!

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What a disappointment! It had potential: big action, Michael Fassbender leading a fabulous cast, A loyal following of the games, a video game that legitimately had a great backstory with winning characters. What went wrong??? The story was fragmented by the then/now flashes; when it needed to be drawing it's audience in, the storyline around the apple( ?) / boy (eventually explained, but by then we didn't care) was undefined and uninteresting apart from being a premise for fight scenes; lots of charismatic tension left undeveloped, and no development of character or relationships; a great cast wasted. I initially was going to give the film a 6 (fair) out of 10 for it's big budget effort, but after thinking about it, I think I can only give it a 4 (poor) out of 10.

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Good enough for weekend's dose of action.

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Shout by schmenky
BlockedParent2017-05-04T01:06:15Z— updated 2017-05-05T15:24:05Z

0 / 2 directing & technical aspect
0 / 2 story
1 / 1 acting
0 / 1 pacing
1 / 1 dialogue
0 / 1 living up to its genre
0 / 1 originality
0 / 1 lasting ability to make you think
-1......misc enjoyment point (couldn't finish movie)

1 out of 10

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Shout by Wéjih M'zoughi
BlockedParent2017-04-30T19:48:30Z— updated 2018-01-01T01:52:21Z

Oh boy, where do I start?
If you are looking to enjoy a movie with crazy stunts and combats, this is definitely the movie for you.
I liked the costumes and I think they couldn't draft a better set of casts to play the roles for this movie. It was perfect, in my humble opinion.
Michael Fassbender's performance, I think, is phenomenal, I really liked it.
The most obvious one is that the storyline didn't stick to the video games. I don't get why producers feel like adding/removing/altering details and/or events from the original product? Never once have I ever seen a movie adaptation doing better than the original product (a book/video game). I don't understand why film makers have this urge to edit the original storylines? It always becomes worse.
A very simple eg. : How the Animus works is completely laughable.
Overall, this movie had the potential to be way better.

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The security in Abstergo is just lol, lol

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However it doesn't have a great rating on trakt, I must say that I quite liked this film. It should have paid more attention into other characters as we have no clue who and what they are (100%), but shots and action was pretty nice.

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Maybe it's because I never played the games, but this was one of the most boring and confusing movies I have ever seen…
There's no real back story that explains why stuff is happening. I guess you probably have to be a hardcode Assassin's Creed gamer to actually understand this movie…

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Shout by Deleted

The ending ruined the film pretty much.

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Just horrible filled with Clichés!

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The movie was surprisingly well done, all except for the ending. I was hyped up for a big finish and yet there is no fighting at all. He walks into the headquarters of his enemies, slits someones throat, and then walks out. It was definitely anticlimactic.

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Nope. Didn't get any better on a second try. How is an action adventure based on a video game with such an interesting mythology so damn boring...? Even such a great cast can't save this dour, ridiculous mess. There are some decent action scenes at least...

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Being a super fan of the game series I came in with low expectations (mainly because all game to film movies normally are waff) for a movie that started out okay I found by the third animus visit it all started to go awry and I found I just was losing interest and that it had lost its way a bit. The action sequences are not bad and the costumes are pretty well done and it did fit the mood i was in for watching it which was a turn off brain and watch kinda mood. But overall I felt with how much time went into making this film it came out as a weak effort but with a few good parts about it, overall 7/10 but no higher than that.

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Absolutely Brilliant!! I never played this game but wanted to.. So I don't know the whole story the game.. So for the people like me, it would be a good movie.. I loved it and background score was awesome!!!!!

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I know of the games, never played them. I was just looking for some entertainment. Can´t say I got much so I turned it off after about an hour. Had nothing in it to peak my interest.

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Shout by Adecool
BlockedParent2017-03-12T15:10:38Z— updated 2017-03-17T02:53:11Z

Not sure why there is so much disdain for this movie, it was a good popcorn flick with decent plot line and a clean ending. The cinematography was great, the CGI environments where great, the fight scenes were shot well with no shaky cam and the choreography was hard hitting and believable. Yes the Animus and the apple of Eden where ridiculous concepts but they are true to the games and are things you need to suspend your disbelief for.

People say the movie should've focused on the past, but what really matters in the Assassin's Creed lore is the present day. The past is simply a puzzle that needs to be solved in order to prevent catastrophes in the present. And in a 2 hour movie the only way to show both sides is to jump in and out of the Animus.

Actual problems such as awkward dialogue and CGI fog where so few and far between that they didn't really matter to me. People who go as far as calling this movie TERRIBLE are being overly dramatic and really need to re-evaluate their definition of a bad movie.

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I don't know the game, but I was pleased to see good actors as Michael Kenneth williams, MIchael Fassbender or Charlotte Rampling and Marion Cotillard and Jeremy Irons. The thing is that you can't really care for the characters or Cal himself. The shaky cam was terrible.

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Shout by Deleted

I actually enjoyed it.......

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Shout by Deleted

As a fan of the games i thought it was great!First two acts were entertaining but in the third act it's like they wanted to wrap it up quickly.Overall 8/10. I would like to see a second movie though it's highly unlikely

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