Review by FLY

The past Spain scenes look great. The costumes, the city, the action. You can pretty much throw everything else.

Acting is generally poor. And almost none of the setup makes any sense. The plot just jumps from stupid to stupider.

So Lynch just died, or seemingly so, and just wake up and get on his feet. And they put him in the machine five minutes after ? How did anyone survive their experiments ?

There are lots of shots of the machine's mechanical arm reproducing the movements of the memories he's reliving. But he's running longer distances and jumping higher height than what the arm could do. He's also rolling around a lot and I doubt the arm fixed on his back can do that. That would be something you can look over if they were not showing it so much.

Then they have a lot of these people in the center. They know they are all Assassins. Not clear if some have been trained and part of it before (at least the father is, there are probably others) or if it only comes through relived memories, but whatever. They've seen what these people learn this way. And yet they're all pretty much free to go and assemble and talk, they even leave them with weapons. What the actual fuck ?

Also, they're all descendants of Assassins. People that were living through the Creed, sacrificing everything and putting it above everything, every relationship they could have. Plus leaving a pretty dangerous lives. How did these people have descendants, not only one but several of them, and not only one generation but up to present day ?

It's never clear what the Apple is, or does. It contains DNA info ? Well, they could have let them have it in the 15th century, they would have done nothing with it. And when Rikkin present it to the Templars it's doing some light show. What is it supposed to represent exactly ? It's not presenting information. Is it supposed to directly alter DNA then ? Why would they use it on themselves first then. Actually they just get it and immediately show it there. Nobody even studied it. It is the central plot element to the whole movie, and they couldn't spend one minute thinking about what it is. I can totally see this production meeting: "So now we have the Apple. How do we show it, what does it do ? - It's round and... makes light ? - SOLD ! Next topic."

Now on where to find the Apple, the main goal of the whole movie and the whole organization. It ends up in Colombus's grave. Yeah, sure. Like absolutely EVERYTHING that is in there has not been studied and manipulated by several archaeologists and been completely catalogued.

As for the ending, Sophia willingly let him go do what it is obvious he's going to do (probably because she understand that the Templars' actions and his father's are wrong), and then wants revenge ?

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