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Alien: Covenant 2017

How can there be 7 votes giving it 36% now in 2016, when the movie is due in 2017???

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Went and saw this today and its a great addition to the Alien franchise

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Prometheus was good and curious. Covenant was absurdly stupid. Good mysterious questions built up through decades do not need stupid answers.

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One would say a hundred years from now humans will be more clever but this movie represents the exact opposite. I know there has to be some plot but you can write it in many different ways (and better ways). Instead we can see the dumbest space crew ever with totally no responsibility, no precautions, no strategy. Just a total lack of everything you can think of. And you will be probably repeating one single question over and over while watching this movie. Why the hell are they....? What the f*ck are they....? And when you repeat it for the fifth time you will start regreting watching this movie. Really, it's not worth it.

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Worst... And Worst... And Worst...
STOP IT Ridley ! You're out.
This movie is bad ! Just Bad !
Non-sens behavior and non-sense scene after another. The first act is a long long long Chekhov's gun's rack.
"Oh look the chain that stow the big fat truck !"
"Oh look the explosive stickers with the riffle rack",
"Oh look the rack for the embryo"

The second act is forgatable
The third act is random action scene like in every Sci-Fi movie
The final act is completely unexpecting... I'm kidding you know the end at the moment where you see David .

Long, boring and expecting... A very bad combination.

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I thought this was a well paced good horror/thriller. First and second act were strong, third one seemed familiar. Good addition to the franchise and I hope there is another sequel to this one.

OF COURSE James Franco dies in the first ten minutes. At least they didn't heavily promote him. And how the hell did Danny McBride survive the whole movie, I for sure thought he would of died early. The Walter/David twist I saw a mile away. As soon as he cut his hair I thought they would switch, but David's hair was blonde and it didn't look like he had dark roots so not sure how he got that hair.

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Looking forward to Prometheus 2!!!

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I am..... relieved I didn't pay real irl authentic actual dollars to see this in theaters. When did this series become more about the android than the Xenomorph and why? If I wanted to see robots philosophizing about life and mankind I'd turn on TNT and watch i, Robot tf. Not only that but when an alien did finally kill someone it happened so fast you could barely tell what happened. Watching this nearly ruined my entire day.

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Shout by kinky

David is Kind of a Jerk - The Sequel

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Don't know where to start... I think they somehow tried to recreate the first Alien film... but all went wrong... After watching Prometheus I really thought it could be a good starting point for a new story and sequel or prequel (not sure)... all my expectations suddenly crushed after watching this...

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Didn't like it, unfortunately! There are nearly no horror elements here, something that made the original Alien movie so ingenius! And I mean come on, as Frikilax puts it: how can a crew responsible for 2000+ lives in a colony mission be so incompetent??? Thats just not realistic... I think the whole idea with David turning bad is brillant but thats just not enough to save the flick.

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Many brilliant moments but as a whole the film isn't brilliant... it is very good though. Beautifully designed, this follows on from Prometheus' mythology, but never matches the nerve shredding terror of the original Alien. Worth seeing for fans of the franchise, and better than the pretender to the alien in space movie that was Life.

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Shout by FinFan
BlockedParent2017-09-24T15:20:46Z— updated 2017-10-01T00:03:30Z

I watched Prometheus to find answers related to Alien. I watched Covenant to find answers related to Prometheus. I won´t watch another one because this turnes out to be a massive dissapointment. I will not be tricked again into watching another movie with the promise of answers that simply aren´t there to begin with. If anything the relation to Aliens is thin and utterly forced so that people watch this.

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Dissapointing. I dont know the budget, but this movie looked and felt more like a dodgy Netflix show. Some very clunky dialogue. Mostly mediocre and just bad performances. Bland characters, that get way too much screen time boring us. A plot that's only hard to follow because it sends you to sleep. It's even stupid. No memorable scenes. The effects didn't look that impressive either. Sometimes they were awful. It wasnt even shot all that well. It's hard to find a plus.
The first Alien was great on mood, character and setting. The second was a brilliant action movie with good effects and characters and tension. This movie didn't excel at anything. It didn't even do anything above average. Shame on the movie business for attempting to milk money. They must have known how bad this was.

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This must be biggest budget movie about wet floor accidents. More comedy then horror.
Also they have FORCED gay thing, black guy, but no asian?! WTF? You can't even be politically correct right?
Anyway forced gay thing = 1/10, bye.
Anyway aliens are now white, so racial equity for aliens now? Yay! Funny.
Movie is not about aliens but Androids, i don't know what is going there, but there is 1 alien, so franchise OK.
Would give it 5/10 for being mediocre comedy if there was not that forced gay thing.

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I wasn't expecting much going in other than a creature feature and some action. I was pleasantly surprised. Best Alien movie since Aliens. And yes I'm including the AVP movies.

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Lives up to the previous Alien movies only now the Aliens are so lifelike, so cool, perfect visuals. Story is a bit weak but in my opinion, it doesn't need much of a story with these type of movies. It's more about the gore that the aliens leave behind when they kill of the characters one by one.

However, I did also watch the movie 'Life' when it came out and I have to say, after that movie I am a little disappointed in other movies of the genre because that movie showed such a beautiful alien, so smart and thrilling that I can't help but compare all other movies to this one. Nevertheless I enjoyed watching Alien Covenant because I am a sucker for the genre.

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Very predictable with no character chemistry. All in all an average movie.

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This one felt rather rushed. Prometheus was well crafted and not rushed. I think this one could have used some more time, a bit less action. But overall I did enjoy it. And I still have many story questions

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The story has now become David's. What a compelling turn this series took with "Prometheus". The search for a creator has identified a destroyer. There is a major twist about halfway through this film that floored me. I did not expect a certain character to be capable of such an act.

There is a lot of blood and gore in this edition of the Alien franchise. It's probably the most visceral entry in the series. I don't mind that, but I prefer the new, more thought-provoking aspects of the "Promethus" story. Leaving the the haunted house/monster-on-the-loose aspect of the earlier "Alien" films behind is good with me.

The ending was very good, although I don't think I can answer the David or Walter question without another viewing.

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Having been to see the film at the time of its release to the cinema and having emerged a little mixed, I decided to look at it again. and curiously my verdict is quite different. I took more pleasure and finally, I find that the film is far from being as bad as some critics say. Ridley Scott knows how to shoot a movie. he has his own idea and finally I cling to his vision of things.

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I don't know what to really think about this one its like it tries to be too many things at the same time the base story is really good I just feel like it's done the wrong way I feel like I could cut out half the movie and still get the same out of it and that's never a good sign.

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Shout by kenji
BlockedParent2017-08-17T02:52:12Z— updated 2017-08-25T07:09:43Z

Predictable ending and weak storyline. Visuals are decent which kind of make up for it. It's watchable, but nothing special stood out to me.

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Seem Ridley has pulled another fast one on us. And he didn't even film it in 3D this time. The visual specatcle of these prequels is the only thing going for them, and even that has been hobbled with this one.

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This is an amazingly bad movie. There's so many plot holes and stuff happens for no reason. At least he visual effects are amazing as usual. The story is just horribly bad and predictable…

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This movie is an embarrassment for the whole Alien franchise. So shallow, just like Prometheus. At the end, it seems as if they just made a movie about David, and put a couple of Xenomorphs.

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David 8 for President 2020

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Should be renamed to; Prometheus: No More Gods. It seems that Ridley Scott wrote the premise to the movie, and everyone else decided to just throw alien sequences in here and there. Quite disappointing in terms of Alien action, but a great addition in terms of story

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Less an Alien movie and more a David movie, and David's never done much for me. It lacks the suspense and sharp tension of the best Alien movies and lacks even the vision, as haphazardly executed as it was, of Prometheus. The characters have never been stupider or thinner, and it all mostly exists to prop up David. Maybe Ridley Scott has done all he can with this franchise.

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I like how gory 'Alien: Covenant' is, though apart from that there isn't much to shout about. It's good, but that's it.

I'd say it's one of the weaker cast lists of the franchise, not that I have anything against the performances here but I wasn't blown away or overly interested in anyone in this 2017 production. Michael Fassbender is the obvious standout from an acting viewpoint, though I don't really dig his character all that much to be honest. The rest are a bit forgettable.

You can tell it's well made and it does look the part, with it being worth the watch to complete the franchise and all that. Of the sixth films, though, it'd be in my personal bottom two (*excl. short films) - in fairness, that isn't as bad as it sounds, it's just the series has seen better.

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Making all of the same mistakes as Alien 3, Alien: Covenant down shifts from high-minded sci-fi to base horror. The story follows a colony ship that diverts off course to investigate a distress call and ends up discovering the remains of the lost Prometheus mission; including a deadly genetically engineered alien. Unfortunately all the ties to Prometheus are cut, Elisabeth Shaw, the Engineers, the quest to find the origins of creation. There are a couple of attempts at a faith vs. science theme, but it doesn’t really go anywhere. Instead, the film devolves into a rote slasher with one-dimensional characters and gratuitous gore. A tonal and thematic shift from the previous film, Alien: Covenant has no greater ambition than to deliver a few shock scares (which it does).

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Shout by maphiagurl
BlockedParent2019-07-09T01:22:30Z— updated 2023-11-26T17:05:49Z

2019 Rating (4-Poor) There were aliens, people made bad choices, then they died.

Edited in 2023 - apparently watching Resurrection and Prometheus has improved my rating somewhat in comparison. lOL.

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I love this movie!!!! But seriously, was anyone else like, "Why did James Franco have a cameo in this?" Lol such a small role for him.

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Covenant tries to mix between Prometheus philosophically inclined on the allegory of human creation with its trademark Alien series that is body horror and thriller, but the presentation ends up a bit dodgy.

Iconic scenes such as the almost homoerotic relationship between Walter and David and David's monologue on his twisted notion of creation are slipped among the xenomorph hunt for humans. Neither develop to its most potential - few rooms for pondering, and action scenes that left us wanting for more. The ending is a bit surprising, yet at the same time it is almost to be expected. What is remarkable from this film is Fassbender's performance on acting as the androids, so hats off for that.

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I loved it , action from the start Ridley Scott another cracker will definitely be watching the next one

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mediocre film. only fun because there are aliens in it. no plot, no story. disappointing.

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Shout by Luca Manelli
BlockedParent2018-03-15T07:48:59Z— updated 2019-01-23T08:14:55Z

I wasn't looking for an intriguing screenwriting or dramatic acting, but at least some good visual effects and decent cinematography. There's none of if in Alien Covenant. The story is boring and there's nothing worth remembering in the 2-hour movie. Why do people in such movies always have to leave the group for some reason (e.g. taking a leak, get some air, change the linen) and then be attacked and killed by the bad guys? Nonsense.


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my purpose of watching was Katherine.
Movie was meh. 6/10

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Shout by PProjectTV Watch by mood
BlockedParent2017-11-30T20:44:27Z— updated 2018-07-04T20:21:56Z

I would not expect such a piggery from Ridley Scott. Scenario, acting cast, storyline, atmosphere - all wrong. After the genius Alien (1979) and the excellent The Martian (2015), I really will only be able to evaluate the brake for - WASTE.
Rating 1 Star / Weak Sauce :(
Takovou prasárnu bych od Ridley Scotta NIKDY nečekal. Scénář, herecké obsazení, děj, atmosféra - všechno špatně. Po geniálním Alien (1979) a výtečném The Martian (2015) se ohledně hodnocení tohoto braku opravdu zmůžu jen na - ODPAD.

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I liked this movie! Graphics are awesome and the surroundings are amazing. Acting was good but I didn't like the fact some of the crew members we're so incredibly clumsy and stupid. Plus the end was kinda lame... For the rest, good job

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Drama, suspense, twists, realistic science, amazing dialogue ... all completely vacant. Just stop now!!!!!!

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Shout by Deleted

I could only watch this movie in half hour intervals. Those 30 minute intervals felt like hours. It wasn't great.

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I have to say I didn't like this movie. The special effects were really good but... the story itself didn't catch me at all!

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Boring and predictible. No more Ridley, please

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nice edition to the franchise. i want more, they didn't step it up since Prometheus. feels like same storyline going over & over again. take more risks!

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Prometheus was better, from the acting to the story.

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This film was supposedly the telling of how the Aliens became...along with a explanation to the answers everybody has been waiting for but it isn't until the last 20/25 minutes of the movie that all is revealed. Didn't really rate it,could have done with more action or at least more of the latter part of the movie.

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Well i'm a fan of Alien saga but as the Prometheus was a bit bad this was i think in the save level. The action scenes and Aliens exploding out of people bodies was ok but i found the dialogues to be extremely bad.

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Mas de los mismo,.. con una pequeña diferencia se propaga como una especie de polen ... a parte de al tradicional.

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Shout by Deleted

Very confusing start to film and changed the way the alien can enter your body too

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Shout by Ian

Pretty great film and a solid entry to the Alien franchise. Better than Prometheus.

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Shout by J G

While better than Prometheus, this was a missed opportunity to make a great movie instead of a lackluster meditation on mankind. Wait for HBO.

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Glorious, I am excited to see the series back again. David's man cave <3

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Eh. This was okay. I know there was some attempt at practical effects in here but all I could in even the awesome moments, were CGI cartoons. I don't know. Fassbender was pretty good. Danny McBride wasn't, but I don't blame him. I blame the script and maybe Ridley didn't let him be him. And I don't mean off the hinges hysterical Danny McBride, but the emotional side we see in both Eastbound and Vice Principals. It just felt like his performance could have been done any number of actors.

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It's more of the same, which can be both a good thing and a disappointing one. Really predictable and convoluted plot but has some good thrills. Expected a bit more from Ridley Scott. But overall a decent flick.

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Brilliantly frustrating, but worth the wait. I can't say any more without spoiling it. 8.5/10

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Worth seeing in the cinema. Great visuals and action, unfortunately (or fortunately), there are lots of gory scenes but the best gore is just too close to the camera to be worth appreciating. Fassbender is interesting; lots of poetry and weirdness.
The background music was notably awful with lots of Star Wars vibes but also too much 'fantasy' vibe instead of science-fiction. Many overused musical themes in science fiction.
Some story elements don't really make sense and some parts of the plot aren't really addressed at all.
Overall somewhat darker than expected but a bit heavy-handed in its delivery plotwise. Lesson learnt: having a crew of people married to each other is stupid.

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looked good. Otherwise the plot was predictable, as were the 'twists'

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We've seen it all before, but never quite as beautifully.

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Shout by Gabix
BlockedParent2016-04-09T04:16:30Z— updated 2016-12-17T05:37:39Z

Looking forward to see Demián Bichir in this movie! :D
Love Noomi!

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Prometheus was a good origin story. Covenant started good but overall feeling was only ok. A small crew is willing to sacrifice years of planning and the lives of 2,000 colonists to explore the planet.

It bothers me that the aliens in the latest movies grow to their full size in hours or even minutes. In the first films, the aliens had to be fed in order to grow, but in these films, the aliens are fully grown almost immediately after birth.

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Visually, the Alien franchise has improved tremendously. Contextually (if that's the right word), it misses more than it hits. 'Prometheus' gave us pace with a worthwhile story and some smart plot twists. 'Covenant', on the other hand, gives us a washed-out story with some insanly predictable plot points. It felt extremely fast-paced with action but draggingly slow paced with context or connection. The cgi, casting, and score were mediocre at best. Wasted story, wasted characters, and wasted visuals, but I'm not that bothered as I didn't feel connected anyway.

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It was basically following the Alien formula. Go somewhere, get infected, fight aliens.

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Shout by jmonty

The all-new Walter: Powered by AMD.

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Not as good as it's predecessor and the twist was super obvious, but the awesomeness of the universe/set and Alien itself, paper over those flaws.

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Would’ve loved to have seen this movie, but almost every scene was pitch black except for a few flashlights or flames here and there.

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The characters piss me off and I feel no connection to anyone

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I wonder whether something unexpected happened with the budget of this movie at some point. Michael Fassbender seems to have been the only one left to carry this movie. I was weekend-binging this movie, immediately after Prometheus. After the first half hour, this movie just couldn’t hold my interest. I’m guessing there won’t be a third instalment of this saga.

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Shout by Diego

Here's the gist: no interesting characters, recycled plot, predictable ending. It's just another grab for money billed as a sequel but only a prequel to the next chapter. It lacks all the adventure of Alien and spectacle of Aliens.

It's a waste of time and you will hate yourself for watching it.

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For those who want to see this film, they MUST watch the entire Alien franchise !
I mean what the fuck this android David is a real son of a bitch excuse my language. Not gonna say anything else. Ah yes, Human beings are too curious...
Awesome haha

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If youve seen previous alien saga, then you'll have de ja vu.
I am expecting some "prometheus"-ish movie... Not another familiar Alien flick.
Its still entertaining and thrilling but with many de javu moment. I think this movie audience is younger gens and non alien fans.

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This movie is ICONIC!! James Franco dying in the first 10 minutes, the android kiss, gay Demián Bichir almost surviving, the little aliens.
Ugh, it's just too much cinema!

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In the first Hulk movie it was discovered that people who go to watch action films want action, not academics and mental exercises that their reality-ducking minds. This movie should take a hint!

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Shout by Khawlah

I would've thought this as completely unnecessary if it weren't for the David/Walter scenes. Damn, that was some good stuff. Fassbender is mega talented. He was great in portraying both of them. There's not a split second where you'd confuse the two. They were totally worth staying up till 3:30AM to watch, even though I should be up in 3 hours.

But really, if you thought the people in Prometheus made some stupid decisions, the stupidity here is on another level. Brace yourself!

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Not bad. The last 30 mins was Somewhat predictable.

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Good but not better than Promotheus

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Shout by Agent24

In my opinion, Alien: Covenant is a decent movie. It's not the best but okay. I really do not understand all the hate this movie gets from people. On the other hand, I also liked Prometheus a lot and the reviews of this movie aren't good either. Anyways, I can't wait for the Covenant sequel to be released and to learn what happens to Daniels after this not so surprising cliffhanger ending.

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Shout by Deleted

i've bored this, it's shit

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I really wish this wasn't an Alien movie. This is crippled by it's own genealogy.

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Giving it another viewing, it actually works even better. Once you know what you're getting into (the lovechild, linking the themes of Prometheus and Alien), you get a rather effective movie. David is the real feature here, and his issues make for some compelling cinema. Plus you get the dread, isolation and gore you've come to expect from an Alien film. Sure it takes a couple liberties with the mythos, but it is very far from the disappointment the reviews would have you believe.

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Shout by Deleted

Personally gutted, would rather they went with the Promethius 2 name instead of ruining the Alien brand but I went in presupposed to not liking it lmao, why did I do that.......

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1 / 2 directing & technical aspect
0 / 1 story
1 / 1 act I
1 / 1 act II
1 / 1 act III
1 / 1 acting
0 / 1 dialogue
0 / 1 originality
0 / 1 lasting ability to make you think

5 out of 10

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I really like the movie. But honestly 1 scene bugged me very much. 2 crew members slip over the same blood on the floor within a couple of minutes? Looks to stupid imo.

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Missed Sigourney. The original was much better

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Un despropósito de película de principio a fin

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Sooooo predictable. More like a bad comedy if you ask me.

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ini adalah film alien yang bagus

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I needed a lot of answers from Prometheus but this film continued to frustrate me and also to amaze me. Beautiful shots, creepy music and an awesome villain (who I love to hate). A great addition to the franchise that I pretty much adored to experience in IMAX.

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