Review by Patricio Zenklussen Franco

Alien: Covenant 2017

What a great one.

I've read a couple of reviews before watching it and many people said they were dissapointed by the rather formulaic development. The only thing left for me to think now that I've seen it, is that they didn't get the point. It is formulaic -which is not bad per se. Why wouldn't it be if it is part of a franchise-, but there is so much more laying beneath than calling it "superficial" is a mere act of ignorance or disinformation. It is true, however, that the characters are a little bland, but in my opinion, they are here just as an excuse for the bigger image to be fulfilled.

This is a bold movie. It follows the lines of Prometheus, with dark scenery, monolithic architecture and a couple of beautifully shot landscapes. The imagery and the music have been taken care of and set in a compelling manner. Every little piece of the production seems well-thought; and so, the result is a film with a strong personality.

The plot is a direct sequel to the aforementioned movie not only in an aesthetic way, but also in mood, and you should really watch it first to get the most out of this one. Then you would get the grip expected by the director and the script writers. This is not a movie about the Covenant crew as the name would make you think. It is not even a movie about the xenomorph. The first scene of the film clarifies that.

Alien: Covenant is more a suspense / mistery film with action brushstrokes, that the other way around; so if you are planning in getting a generic deep-space, isolation, horror movie, you might be a little dissapointed. However, if you are a lover of the franchise, or are looking for answers left hanging by Prometheus and get some action too, this would be a hell of a ride.

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