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Alien 1979

I aspire to be as cool as Ellen Ripley

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It's unbelievable that this masterpiece turns 50 years old in just 5 years. Still one of my absolute favorite movies

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It is a truly brilliant piece of cinema. By todays standard, you may consider it tame, but if you are old enough or have watched enough films to understand it from the perspective of when it was made, it is the best definition of sci-fi horror you can find. Lots of similar angles of shots and perspectives from this were used in Event Horizon if you watch them both enough, many movies owe their existence to this classic.

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Still one of the single greatest films in cinema history. "Alien" hits just as hard today as it did 45 years ago (if not harder, down to the use of practical effects). Performances are 9/10, script is 9/10, music is 10/10, sound design is 10/10, production design is 11/10. There's a reason this movie continues to capture imaginations and define genres decades later.
A bevy of sequels and remakes have all tried and failed (save for one, depending on who you ask) to replicate the genius level of filmmaking on display here; based on glimpses, Alvarez may be the closest yet.
Famously, this film and Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey both feature a "helpful" A.I. lethally dispatching a human crew, or at least actively choosing to be a bystander as the humans are lethally dispatched. Make of that what you will

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Why the fuck did we see Ripley in her underwear ?

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Why the fuck did we see Ripley in her underwear ?

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Why the fuck did we see Ripley in her underwear ?

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Why the fuck did we see Ripley in her underwear ?

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Why the fuck did we see Ripley in her underwear ?

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Loved this movie since I was a kid

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Ripley is an amazing character. Sigourney found the perfect balance between control, exhaustion, survival, and drama. Just like how Ridley found the perfect balance of sci-fi, horror, and drama. The drama from the horror and the horror from the Sci-Fi. I kept asking myself, "Who or what is THE villian?" We are kept in the unknown from the beginning to the very end, and the tension that builds is extraordinary. The editing was clunky, but the production was immense. The cgi was awful as expected, but the sound design makes you feel much more. A film that could be made at any time in history.

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Oh, on of the best movies in my life and the whole franchise of course

Любов несамовита :heart_eyes_cat:

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Honestly great! Though the Alien is impressive, I don't think it looks as threatening as in other appeareances, he lacks mobility.
On the other hand, solid Sci-Fi background, aesthetic and character work!
Still a must see!

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Not the first time I've seen it but decided to check it out again since I watched the prequels. It's a classic and the alien effects were so well done.

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Blu-ray 4K, Director's Cut. :) It's still one of the best sci-fi horror movies.

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A competent set up for what is arguably the better movie, Aliens.

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I guess I just don't get it. Stale bread.

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Great set pieces and practical effects. Disappointingly, I was taken out of a lot of the film due to Scott's over-reliance on brain shattering strobe effects. I also didn't do myself any favours by watching the 4k hdr version. I hadn't a clue it was such an inaccessible film. Still the ideas and execution outside of that were great. 7.5. Lost a full pt due to strobes.

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Still one of the greatest sci-fi/horror films nearly 45 years later! This film rightfully has stood the test of time, and the only real debate is whether the first or second is better!

Rating: 5/5 - 95% - Highly Recommend

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Just finished watching for the fourth (maybe 5th?) time and it still doesn't grow old. Even by today's standards, the special effects and the creature(s) are superb, the movie is great, the dialogue and the characters are very believable, and the story is very well-written. Alien found its way to the #5 spot of The 20 Best Horror Movies Ever Made, According to Redditt and it deserves that, if not higher. While it doesn't have the "blood and guts" of some of today's franchises (that seem to be put out there ONLY for the sake of blood and guts), that doesn't prevent it from being any less frightening or horrific. The very idea of being out in space, approximately 10 months' distance away from planet Earth (much less the comforts of their own home) and finding yourself trapped in a vessel with a seemingly-indestructible alien life form...well, that should frighten most anyone. And they play it to perfection here. Still one of my favorite movies even after all these years!

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I remeber i got this movie as a base for a school work on escenografy in my second try to study filmaking.

An even when i watched some parts of the movie or secuels, i never watched the actual one. I Hardly believe, what makes me love this one, is the atmosphere that create the art direction ( as i mention i already know the treatment on this), and that make it more valuable for me.

I can't say mre that it, cause i just enjoyed, scream and love the camera techniques, and the art to create this horror on the space.

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Happy Alien Day. One of the greatest films of all time. Back on the big screen for 2023.

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This is a good movie without a doubt. Superb tension and suspense, but it’s just not my genre. What I must say tho, is that it aged super well, mostly due to the amazing sets and great acting.

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"You are my lucky star. You... Lucky, lucky, lucky, lucky, lucky."

Still one of the best ever. I still enjoy the part before the full grown Xenomorph shows up the best.

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The sci-fi answer to Jaws. No one can hear you scream under water and no one can hear you scream in space. Alien is a well made and well cast movie full of tension.

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No one listened to the smart woman, everyone dies except the smart woman and her cat. 9 out of 10

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"My Mommy Always Said There Were No Monsters. No Real Ones. But There Are." and probably one of the most iconic in film history. The namesake alien based on Giger's design is extremely phallic and undeniably frightening. Who would want to meet this creature in a dark alley or, for that matter, on a large but claustrophobically cramped spaceship due to its presence? Speaking of the spaceship, Ridley Scoot stages the cat-and-mouse game between the crew and the killing machine, which is deadly in various ways. This spaceship looks as if it is lived on and used and thus contributes extremely to the world building, which probably also ensured that so many more or less good parts of the series followed.I must confess that I have always watched one of the newer parts and am glad to have finally seen the first part. "I got son of a bitch."

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Heard great things about this movie and finally watched it yesterday. Although it was a good movie, I was slightly disappointed. The visuals and set are top-tier, but the story and characters could have been better. Still an enjoyable watch.


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I’ve never been too into sci-fi but lately I’ve been enjoying the genre more and more. I loved how good this movie looked, the practical effects and the minimal score. Also, Sigourney Weaver sexy.

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Great design and the atmosphere was terrific. I got scared multiple times, even if the shock moments were easy to predict.
It was off-putting though how many dumb decisions the cast makes...
I wonder if other entries of the franchise will also go more in-depth when it comes to the worldbuilding, definitely not necessary at all in this movie but some parts would be interesting to explore. Like the robots, goals of the company, and the alien species itself.
Oh, and not to mention the acting was great.

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Question : Why Ridley Scott is one of the best director in Hollywood?
Answer : Watch Alien

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Very slow rhythm and dark. It is classic but it is hard to watch nowadays.

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Too claustrophobic. I create a lot of sequels. Some better.

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Acting: 3/3
Cinematography: 1/3
Story: 2/3

Enjoy: +1

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'Alien' isn't as eventful, and as such as entertaining, as I had anticipated, though it is still an enjoyable near two hours.

It's a strong cast, with newbie Sigourney Weaver putting in a great performance. Tom Skerritt, Harry Dean Stanton, Yaphet Kotto and John Hurt are good too. I wanted to see more of them, though that's normal given the tightness of the setting - there's only so much they can do, of course.

Other positives include the neat set design, solid special effects and well done tension building. I can't say I was ever fully unnerved, in fairness that's more a personal thing as fiction rarely scares me, but I was locked on for the entirety. It also gets respect for setting the benchmark it did.

Will check out the sequels, prequels and spin-offs/crossovers with much intrigue.

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Shout by Josh
BlockedParent2021-10-05T22:36:26Z— updated 2021-10-07T11:19:15Z

Story: 10
Script: 7...pretty barebones as far as the dialogue goes
Performances: 9
Misc.: 9
Influence: 10...inaugurated the entire space horror genre.
Overall: 9

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This is one of the best movies in existence.

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3 Thoughts After Re-Watching ‘Alien’:

  1. Another reminder as to just how much of a badass Ellen Ripley is. Sigourney is a queen.

  2. The alien design is so iconic and genius. From the Facehugger to the final grown abomination — acid blood and all — it’s a pretty damn perfect (and grotesque!) concept.

  3. While altogether impressive and obviously a pure CLASSIC, there are parts that drag. A few impatient moments when you’re just waiting to get to the good stuff. Something, from what I remember, the sequel improves upon.

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I was going to give it a 10 then I seen it was rated slightly higher than Aliens and well that is appaling I'm sorry to say folks but Aliens is the far superior movie

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Ripley: Watch me kill this thing.
Dallas: I don't know what the fuck I'm doing.
Ash: Yeah science, bitch!
Kane: This food's giving me an upset stomach...
Lambert: I just wanna go home.
Parker: Am I getting paid for this?
Brett: Right.
Jones: Fuck this! I'm outta here!
Also Jones: Haha, yes! Die trash!

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A movie as perfect as the xenomorph, Alien is a benchmark and a masterpiece.

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Waited a long ass time to give the Alien series a shot, but god was it worth it.
Ripley is one hell of a character.

Loved the slow start into the suspense that it leads to.
Jones would be the best alien detector in the universe

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Ash: You still don't understand what you're dealing with, do you? The perfect organism. Its structural perfection is matched only by its hostility.

Lambert: You admire it.

Ash: I admire its purity. A survivor... unclouded by conscience, remorse, or delusions of morality.


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More sci-fi than horror, but bloody good sci-fi.

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One of the best horror-scifi movies ever made..Brilliant direcitng super realistic with great visual effects and editing.

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Great set, refreshing to not see a bunch of green screens... Not very scary or great in any aspect aside from being a solid story. Attempts to make unexpected twists, not the greatest twists ever but at least the story has some turns even though you pretty much know where it's heading. It's another film that's just a decent watch, to just watch and not expect to get anything from it... No fear, no fun, no mystery, just a basic film with a hard to mess up storyline and believable enough acting & effects, from an introductory Sci fi Era. Probably innovative at the time, but I'm reviewing based totally on the film as presented to me today.

Another safe watch, as nothing is particularly bad but it's nothing particularly great either. Simple story, executed without tripping over itself.

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Ridley Scott’s Alien is a groundbreaking science fiction thriller that spawned one of the most successful franchises of the genre. At its core, the film’s little more than a slasher set in space; after responding to a distress call, the crew of a mining vessel find themselves being picked off one-by-one by an alien creature. Sigourney Weaver, Tom Skerritt, and Ian Holm lead the cast and work well as an ensemble. And, Scott does an excellent job at teasing out the suspense and mystery. However, there’s a surprising lack of substance. Still, Alien is a strong film with terrifying thrills and exciting action.

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7 - Good

I'd say the beginning is a bit slow and the movie shows it's age, but once the Alien is brought on board it really picks up. As someone who doesn't like horror or scary movies I was still able to find enjoyment in this classic.

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Ridley Scott's ALIEN is an example of great horror film-making. It's not the creature, but the design of the locations, the smoke, claustophobic rooms and atomsphere. The characters are nicely written, this is not your post-modern horror!

ALIEN has a distinct style, the pacing is deliberate, the tension builds and builds. The film is a real master stroke by Ridley Scott and his team.

The acting is excellent, I can't fault anyone. Weaver has the lead was a gamble, and a brave choice by all concerned. I'm happy to say that it pays off! The design of the ALIEN is fascinating, work of a genius.

The special effects are tremendous, again, there's a distinct style, it's so fantastic!

The score by Goldsmith plays more like a special sound effect, but it does fit the mood of the picture.

The wide-screen frame is used to the max, do not watch this in pan and scan!

ALIEN is a film which should be studied and studied, tons of details in the entire picture.

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My favourite a true masterpiece if you say otherwise I'll slap you in the mouth. :wave:

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I forgot just how good this is, it's pretty much perfect. The world building, the production design, the monster, and the acting are all top notch.

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Even though I'm few decades too late, but I'm happy that I watched this for the first time after having watched Prometheus and Alien: Covenant. I must be living under a rock because when I watched both movies, I had no idea of the Alien Franchise that came out before it. Though I gotta say, the characters' actions here are not as stupid and infuriating as in the prequels.

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Coherent script, without loose ends and with actions of the characters contextualized and grounded for the unfolding of events. He did not sin for "it has to happen because it is in the script", and delivered a work that is absolutely right for being a classic. Revolutionary and avant-garde.

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Very good movie that is now considered a classic. The film keeps you feeling uncomfortable even when all seems like it’s going well. You know something is going to happen and it does! Suspense, keeps you hanging off the edge of your seat

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An all-time classic! Ridley Scott's Alien is indeed the best Sci-Fi Horror movie ever made. It is gorgeously shot and the suspense is breathtaking. It is amazing how this movie still holds its own 40 years later.

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Chingona película a pesar de todos los años de haber sido producida.

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One of the best movies period. Sure, It may seem dated but the cast and the e special effects make up for it. I love me some 79 Weaver.

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"Parla Ripley, unica superstite del Nostromo, Passo e chiudo". Sigourney Weaver icona in slip e canotta, immortale quanto e più del mostro fallico di H.R. Giger, nello spazio dove nessuno può sentirla urlare.

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I loved this movie before I could even write my own name. I still love it and though I am more of an Aliens fan, there is no denying this movie truly is a perfect 10

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Awesome Movie. The beginning of the alien franchise.

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Il tranquillo tran tran di un'isolata comunità viene rivoluzionato da un'inaspettata, sorprendente natività.
Nonostante il genitore perisca nel difficile parto, il piccolo cresce in fretta, sano e vivace. Giunto all'età adulta però, si dimostra un carattere ribelle e poco propenso al dialogo e nonostante gli sforzi entra in conflitto un po' con tutti. Il tempo passa e la natura fa il suo corso, la comunità si riduce sempre di più. Lui vorrebbe rimanere, ma l'ultima, saggia e coraggiosa componente di quel mondo ormai finito lo induce a prendere finalmente la propria strada e a spiccare il volo.

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In my opinion, this is the best of the series. This holds up even better than Aliens. Great performances from not only Weaver and Hurt, but some of the best character actors of the time.

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Just watched it with my son for the first time in ages. It really holds up.

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This is still such a masterpiece, hands down!

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Watching it and comparing it against other sci-fi and horror at the time this was ahead in tone (you feel part of the crew) and atmosphere. The actors all do amazing. A lot of strobe lights and great sets. It can get slow at times.

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An amazing movie RIP Mr John Hurt

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Alien universe film order:
1. Prometheus (2012)
2. Alien: Covenant (2017)
3. Alien (1979)
4. Aliens (1986)
5. Alien 3 (1992)
6. Alien: Resurrection (1997)

Spin-off franchise:
- Alien vs. Predator (2004)
- Alien vs. Predator: Requiem (2007)

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Alien....the creature......the film.....the legend. The one that started it all.

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Amazing set design, builds a great atmosphere and sense of uncertainty. Holds up to the test of time, great all around movie.

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Won Best Effects, Visual Effects, there were should.

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One of the best movie of Ridley Scott. A masterpiece.

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I'll just start this one by letting you know that if you have not seen this film, make sure you spend a nice night with it sometime soon. I'd say drop what you're doing and watch it, but you really should watch this in as much darkness as possible. Hell, don't even watch it with other people. Watch it by yourself in your basement with really cold air conditioning on. Yea, you'll love it that way.

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Shout by Deleted

I had my doubts over this movie because this movie was maded in 1979 so i thought that the special effect were bad but that is not true.
Sirgourney Weaver is a very good actrice.

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Bleak and intriguing, fantastic alien design and some nice shots of the foreign planet(s) and spaceship! For me, as opposed to a lot of other people, Alien is the much better movie than its sequel Aliens because it has more horror elements, a more claustrophobic feeling to it and less overdrawn action sequences.

I would give Alien a 8.5 / 10 but that's not possible here and a 9 / 10 would be too much because by today's standards the space crafts' interiors and some other aspect just look silly and very outdated.

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Shout by Deleted

I´ve always wondered who´s the real alien here... the creature or "ash" the character played by Ian Holm.

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It’s often daunting to come to a classic film and try to explain why it works so well. Obvious elements spring to mind - the peerless design work, both of the central creature and the sets themselves; the beautifully haunting score; the creation of one of the greatest female action heroes; the perfect pace of the film (slightly spoilt by the Director’s Cut, but the original edit still shines); the “birth” of the creature that may have lost its ability to surprise over time, but still horrifies largely down to the performances that sell this moment so well; the masterful build-up of tension as each character confronts their fate. But, more importantly, this is simply a story that is well told and a reminder of how powerful an experience film can be when all the elements come together so perfectly. Is it any wonder that Alien has been oft-imitated, parodied and copied, but rarely bettered, if at all?

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Shout by Deleted

I feel very fierce look, say in future! movie old 1979

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A perfect movie from title sequence, right through to the climax, perfect tone of alienation, and helplessness, a stunning film, the art design is incredible, and combines the scif and horror enre perfectly.......watched this a night after being amazed by 2001:A Space Odyssey again, and it is amazing this is made only 11 years after and how far the sci fi genre has come in that time, amazing film

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Loved this movie from the title sequence to the end. Sure, there are a few points that are ridiculous. But the overall story and feel of the movie are extraordinary. One thing that really stands out is how well this movie stands up over time. The only thing that is dated is the interaction with the computer. But it is done in such a way that doesn't make it seem so bad. Can't believe it took me so long to watch this. Perfect in so many ways!

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RIP HR Giger

I can't begin to express my sadness at this loss. He has been the most influential artist in my life for nearly 30 years. His art and sculptures adorn my rooms and I carry him daily in ink.

We have lost a truly unique visionary.

Hans Ruedi Giger
1940 - 2014

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I had too much expectation for this movie. It was entertaining, but wasn't amazing. Some the characters behavior didn't make sense to me and I felt like yelling at the screen.

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First time I wached Alien. Don't know why I didnt see it earlier. As a scifi fan I really liked this one. Only the one scene in the end "move out of the way Lambert" was the only bit i didn't like. Parker could have just shot/burned it instead of jumping on its back.. Looking forward waching nr 2

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Shout by Deleted

one of my favourites

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A perfect movie.

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A difficult movie for me to judge. The setting was beautifully done: the spacecraft, the Alien planet, steam hissing, slime dropping; the overall uneasy/scary feeling was great. But the characters running straight towards the danger annoyed me, the shock-moments were too easy and the biggest problem: I've seen too many movies that try the same thing, so it doesn't really work for me anymore.
Two pro's for Alien though: (1) I believe it was one of the first space-horror movies and (2) even though there have been many copycats, I don't think any of those copies have actually improved on the original Alien. I just wish I had seen this one first :)

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