Shouts about...

After Midnight 2019

This is a good one to play when your ol'lady say she like horror movies but you dont feel like checking the closet or escorting her to the bathroom before bedtime lol

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Avoid this movie unless your looking for a love story. If you want a thriller movie skip this snooze fest.

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Shout by Deleted

a big surprise for me, but not for everyone . a rom-monster-com

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Cute. But I saw the monster attack coming from a mile away.

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I can't "wholeheartedly" give this a recommendation, since it is a pretty pedestrian rom(ish)-com(ish), horror-adjacent, sorta dramatic movie where the poster/thumbnail gives away the ENTIRE plot (change my mind). That having been said, however, it's pacing and atmosphere is just good enough to keep you from checking to see what else is on. Nothing Shakespearian, but, decent performances from the leads Jeremy Gardner, and Brea Grant as the non committal couple, (working with what they were given) with kudos to Henry Zebrowski as the drinking buddy / pseudo wingman Wade, who has your back and gives you a much needed hug when the shizz hits the fan and your life is going a bit pear shaped. ONE good jump scare, and a few meh ones, with no explanation as to the origin or motivations of the Wendigo like critter. Anemic on the blood / gore scale, although there ARE kitty nom noms, and several cases of "pnut" wine consumed. ;-)

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I feel the movies message of the monster being the fear of commitment was a little on the nose, but I really enjoyed the dramatic scenes between Hank and Abby and the overall build of the movie. Anyone expecting an all out monster flick/creature feature will be sorely disappointed, but if you can stretch your appreciation to drama/romance that dabbles a little in horror, there is something for you here. The "Ten Years Later In This Room" scene was simply great for a single take. Good stuff.

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[Filmin] Inner monsters can make their appearance in a moment of weakness. A splendid start to the film gives way to an empty development, which cannot find the balance between comedy, drama, indie spirit and romantic story. It is everything and nothing at the same time, but it tends more to nothing, to a supposedly different, unusual reading about the loss of love, but which does not have much substance. It works better on a metaphorical level than on a discursive one. Story skids until crashing against its own aspirations.

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I don't even know what to say about this one. It's definitely not for everyone but I enjoyed it.

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