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A Cure for Wellness 2017

Well that was long. And stupid.

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Beautifully shot. Very creepy. Interesting mystery that kept my attention. A little too long but still worth a watch.

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Personally I don't quite understand the bad reviews this movie has. Yes, it's a very long movie, which they probably could shorten a lot to tell the same story, but still it's a good one. The scenery was great, the acting and music was good (imo) and I thought it was a good story too. Kept me seated the whole 2,5 hours.

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Very atmospheric. Overly atmospheric. So atmospheric you could choke a giraffe with all the bloody atmosphere. Sadly, atmosphere is the only thing this film has, and that's barely enough to carry it for 30 minutes, let alone the well over two hours this film subjects us to.

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Well that was weird....ending made me really uncomfortable

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Very long and simple put a pointless movie. It started atmospheric but then it went down hill. It certainly doesn't worth the 2 hours and 20 minutes. Did i mention it was long ?

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"A Cure for Wellness" was quite a surprise. It's a great looking Horror movie that fits into the mad scientist sub-genre. It felt like a tip of the hat to movies like "Frankenstein" and "The Shining" and plays a lot like the more recent "Shutter Island". Even though I just name-dropped a few similar films, this is a pretty original movie given all of current cinema's remakes, sequels, prequels, etc.

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It's barely a cure for boredom

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"Actually... I'm feeling much better now!"

A beautiful looking movie with two great performances from Jason Isaacs and Mia Goth. However, and I hate to say this, but Dane DeHaan was the weakest part of the movie.

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Although being quite long I never felt bored throughout the whole movie that was gripping from the beginning on, not primarily by its story but by its atmosphere and the constant exposure of pieces of the puzzle. Although not everything was uncovered to my expectations at the end and some questions are left unanswered I enjoyed this mysterious masterpiece very much and I would definitely recommend it to any fans of atmospheric movies with arcane plots. To some extent it reminded me of Vidocq.

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Well, I made it throught the whole movie. That is something, at least. Can´t say I enjoyed it, though. Technically really good but way to long (about 45 min). Ultimately not a very original story and for me the end didn´t fit in. If you look at all the genres listed for this it is obvious the movie doesn´t have a clear idea what it wants to be.

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Well that was a hydration ride, it dragged a little too deep thought, but it kept me thirsty for more thou.. It was all kinds of mad. Worth a drink. Great performances from the cast, and loved the sound track... very similar to layers of fear one...

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A unique movie that will have you fascinated, repulsed and frustrated in equal measure. If you're a fan of American Horror Story and The OA, then you'll understand and enjoy this movie. Luckily, I am a fan of those and I did indeed love this movie. Bold, unusual and unforgettable. Stick with it, and you'll find the Cure for Ordinary movies... 8/10

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The movie is long, but not a waste of time, as others have suggested. It's the kind of film you can indulge yourself in, revelling in the atmosphere and bonkers story. A welcome antidote from all the cookie cutter movies that infect our movie screen.

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A great visual style with some solid atmosphere, but it's just too predictable to be very effective. The ending is way too far fetched for the movie that's been set up, and it's overly long...

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The trailer was really captivating but I was so disappointed since I was hoping to see another 'Stonehearst Asylum'.
2.5 hour was way too much for this kind of story because everything was too obvious: you could just see one simple thing, imagine the rest and you would be right about it too ..

Can't say anything bad about the scenery and music though.

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A must-watch! It reminded me of Shutter Island. It definitely didn't deserve the negative reviews.

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The last twenty minutes of the movie completly ruined the movie for me. The ending goes overboard with explaning every plot point, as if they weren't abundantly clear during the movie, and in doing so completly trivializes the movie.

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What the fuck was that.

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not bad i guess but i had the feeling the whole time i did watched this already, but i didnt. everything was kinda cliché and predictable. too less surprising or interesting stuff for my taste to watch it again.

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Spoiler Alert: Protagonist was an evil person looking for success, he even ditch his partner as I recall, gives an evil smile in the end cause he's the only one who survived with the knowledge of eternal life and his most prized bride trusted him enough to kill her own father, makes him the most successful person on planet, the film is a phychological experience with some of the most beautiful shots I've ever seen, plot will definitely keep you on edge til the very end

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Shout by Nyx

A Cure for Wellness is a twisted and exhaustingly long movie, full of plot holes, bad pacing and a nauseating conclusion that the "cure for wellness"( in this case affluence and arrogance) is indeed madness, as the Doctor said.

However, the biggest problem with this film is that it gets away with sexual objectification of a minor (paedophilia) as the foundation for its story. The conclusion hammers the point home when the main character (anti-hero) rides off with a wicked grin, into the darkness with his prize (the newly menstruating teenaged Hannah and object of his own desire), after defeating her evil father/uncle/husband/rapist and avenging his own father's death by toppling and then abandoning the company.

It would seem that madness here is interchangeable with depravity. The film really isn't worth the praise it's been getting.

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I went back and forth on whether I liked or didn't like this movie... As others have said - it was too long, but I didn't really get bored with it. The plot / premise was certainly creepy, but not a typical 'horror' story. More like horror of your mind.

One thing that really bugged me.... How the hell did Lockhart change his pants once the cast was on?? ;-)

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Finally the movie reminds me absolutely to 'Shutter Island' with Leonardo DiCaprio and at least i was the patient :100: ^_^ it was mysterious unexpected crazy scary and entertaining 8/10

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The movie made me eager to know what is going on for 140 minutes. Underrated movie which was really good. Ignore those bad comments and watch it for yourself! 7/10

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Shout by Corey

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘A Cure for Wellness’:

  1. This movie does NOT deserve its 42% Rotten Tomato score. I thought it was a solid film that actually has solid rewatch value. It’s a complicated story where everything, I believe, makes a refreshing amount of sense in the end. And I thought it was shot extremely well.

  2. I was very satisfied with the ending. And there was a large amount of doubt (no thanks to the RT score) that I would be. I reeeally thought this would be another “he was crazy the entire time” ending, or another bleak conclusion where the main character is just plain f’d. But I was happy to see Lockhart in a better place and to leave with the absolute realization that he had actually found his cure after all.

  3. Lastly, I thoroughly enjoyed the score. It was incredibly eerie and haunting — and I thought it contributed wonderfully to the film’s equally eerie atmosphere.

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Initially I thought this movie would have something important to say but in the end it didn't. It's a long movie. The first half did well at keeping me interesting in the mystery. As the second half unfolded it got illogical and I got a little lost. It just didn't connect the plot in a way that made much sense. The performances were good and it looks good. It's a shame it didn't realize it's full potential but it's still worth one watch.

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"A Cure for Wellness" is a modern gothic horror tale with breathtaking imagery.

Gore Verbinski presented his vision pure and unfiltered and this is something rare nowadays which I fully appreciate and is the reason why I am willing to oversee the structural issues that the film definitely has.

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Never has a movie had so much screen time, yet still manage to fumble the telling of it's own story. ACFW is atmospheric, and very visually pleasing at times, but feels like standing in an art gallery for 6 hours. What at first seemed intriguing and appealing soon becomes boring and trite.

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Very interesting experiment, it starts like a "modern" horror movie, but then by the end it totally is a '50s horror, complete with a mad scientist, his creepy castle, and a damsel in distress, so it kinda has the charme of those kind of horrors. I'd say give it a chance, especially if you're not too young!

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A beautifully shot movie which invites comparisons to the superior Shutter Island, it's simply too long to keep too easy plot twist out of reach of viewers.

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Not such a bad movie. But, I don't really understand where they were going with this. Everything seems very "messy" and at the end, I'm honestly not sure what the movie tried to portray, if it indeed tried to portray anything at all. The setup is cool and a bit unique (although it did remind me of Shutter Island sometimes) but it is seriously hampered by some laughable moments and some outright odd moments (and not mysteriously odd either, that would have been cool but the movie completely failed with that).

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Nice colors, good scenes, nice CGI, good actors and actresses, perfect venues. It is simply prodigious and very spectacular movie. The atmospheric is also extremely good and yes, it needs a mood. The character transformations are smooth. Yes, this story is stupid as almost every other fantasy movie. It is a fiction, but a good and dark one.

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Interesting plot that needs a bit of time to build up but leads to a good climax. Though they could have put more effort in to the ending and a little less in the start of the movie. Mia Goth is a very well cast woman, her performance is spot on for the role of Hannah.
I have a weakness for Jason Iscaacs so I must've already loved the movie before actually seeing it.

We follow Mr. Lockhart in this movie and he is a bit slow because you will have figured out the plot long before he does but nevertheless, great acting by Dane DeHaan.

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Shout by Deleted

Sicko movie, rape incest bondage

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Shout by Deleted

Decent movie that isn't as clever as it thinks it is, but is nice to look at. A lot of fluff extended the length to about 2 and a half hours. Overall it was worth watching and not a terrible waste of time, but you could do a lot better.

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Atmospheric directing. Bewitching music. Both make you feel like you're enchanted into the mysteries waiting inside the institution. However, the story makes little sense, especially with the long 2,5 hours that could've been cut shorter to tell the same story. The climax goes rather too fast for a very long build up. It actually has an interesting theme that reminds me of Foucault's analysis of biomedicine - "if you are ensured you're sick, why would you want to leave?" - however it is not deployed around a coherent structure.

The directing and shooting though make that long hours bearable. So at the very least you could be enthralled into the atmosphere as if you're Mr. Lockhart himself, lost in the unnerving labyrinth of plot of the health institution.

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It could have been shorter and the plot is quite predictable, but I still found it very watchable. The acting was good, and Lockhart and Hannah were, in my opinion, likable and interesting characters. The movie wasn't scary, but I thought it kept a nice tension in its slow pace, and I am just terribly unnerved by eels, so it works for me.

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Too long. But... boobs. So, fair.

There's nothing more that can be said for this movie. Other than it tried to sell itself as full of meaning while being empty.

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