Shout by Nyx

A Cure for Wellness is a twisted and exhaustingly long movie, full of plot holes, bad pacing and a nauseating conclusion that the "cure for wellness"( in this case affluence and arrogance) is indeed madness, as the Doctor said.

However, the biggest problem with this film is that it gets away with sexual objectification of a minor (paedophilia) as the foundation for its story. The conclusion hammers the point home when the main character (anti-hero) rides off with a wicked grin, into the darkness with his prize (the newly menstruating teenaged Hannah and object of his own desire), after defeating her evil father/uncle/husband/rapist and avenging his own father's death by toppling and then abandoning the company.

It would seem that madness here is interchangeable with depravity. The film really isn't worth the praise it's been getting.

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