Review by manicure

Ted Lasso

Season 3

Since the second season, the series has veered increasingly toward romantic entanglements and sappy plotlines, sacrificing some of its earlier charm and wit. Episodes are juicier and more team-focused, but the writing lacks the spark of inspiration seen in the first run of episodes, often resorting to contrived and mechanical plot developments happening just because it was convenient for the characters' journey at that point. Changes often occur abruptly and without any buildup whatsoever. This is particularly evident in Keeley's relationships (blah), and the complete mishandling of Nate's highly anticipated subplot, which fails to deliver on its promising setup. Ultimately, it felt like the characters just got something random to do for this season before being abruptly brought back to the status quo with a couple of excuses.

The extended episode length can be both a blessing and a curse. It allows for a deeper exploration of team dynamics and moments of inspired writing, but it also runs the risk of dragging out when focusing on the bland storylines. Additionally, the inclusion of "thematic" episodes feels forced, with a different character each time serving as a puppet to yell out social issues that definitely needed a more organic and in-depth exploration.

Overall, the season offers moments of enjoyment and payoff, but it ultimately falls short of its potential, leaving viewers longing for the tighter storytelling and fresh humor that made the first season shine.

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