Review by Jordy

Inside Job 2010

I watched this one a couple of times when I was college, it's pretty useful for any econ student. It's certainly more informative and useful than The Big Short, that's for sure. However, you can feel there's this awkward tension between the informative documentary on the one hand and the angry hit piece towards the power of Wall Street on the other. The latter might be more artistically interesting, but it's not hard to pick up on instances where the editing is manipulative or falls short (cutting away before people provide a proper answer; the constant '... refused to answer' title cards; cheap shots towards Wall Street culture). If I wanted to see a film about the infamous use of cocaine and strippers, I'd much rather watch The Wolf of Wallstreet. On top of that, the presentation is noticeably weak. Visually it's one of the most uninspired documentaries I've seen, the narration is constantly holding your hand as a viewer (which I understand when it comes to the more technical stuff, but it gets a little ridiculous) and the use of the score feels cheap and obvious. It clearly wants to shock you, but because it tries too hard the achieved effect feels like less than what it could've been.


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