Shout by Danny Ganz

Dead Boy Detectives 2024

I'm out of the loop. Is this a spin off of the kids who appeared for a few episodes in the last season of Doom Patrol?

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It's based on a comic from the 90s. It's Vertigo but also DC. Think linked to sandman rather than doom patrol. Unless those are also linked..

It's a different company doing the same characters with different actors.

@hiimdannyganz yes

@hiimdannyganz It looks like this was created by HBO, just like Doom Patrol, but a year ago was moved to Netflix. I think its connected to both Sandman and Doom Patrol.

@hiimdannyganz Close, it is from The Sandman Universe.

@hiimdannyganz It is from The Sandman Universe.

yeah same characters from Doom Patrol. they're tied into Sandman with this series because Netflix has the Sandman show

@hiimdannyganz To be precise, yes, 3x03 Dead Patrol, though they changed actors for this one. And I wouldn't really call it a spinoff of a Doom Patrol episode, but rather an own series that had a guest appearance there.
However, I like it... it feels very Neil Gaiman'ish ;-)

@frank42 of course it feels gaiman'ish, written by him and based in the Sandman universe and all
