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Sharp Objects: Season 1

1x08 Milk

The finale suffered because of the mediocre rest of the series. I don't know what the source material is for this series, but the delivery was atrocious. For much of the series, the "drama" was essentially flashbacks that the character was privy to but the view was not. That is a hacky way to tell a story and it created a really artificial sense of drama. The drama should have been the mystery, not the flashbacks. And I don't think that I felt any drama in the mystery at any point in the series. Just hacky flashbacks to Camille's childhood that really added little to the story. Style in place of substance.

The first half this episode was painful to watch. We are supposed to believe that Camille couldn't / wouldn't push away the spoon, but then minutes later was dragging herself across the floor? And it went on and on. These actors deserved better than a Lifetime-quality script.

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