Shout by Joe R

BoJack Horseman 2014

That was amazing. I'll admit though, I dislike the artstyle and the Hollywood-lifestyle ugly vibe. It turned me off, cause I thought it was kinda ugly, like that show "Ugly Americans", some time ago held on Adult Swim, but it was a nice show. It was a show about a going forward toward a trainwreck, but you couldn't look away, cause it was somehow mesmerizing, reminded you of your own life abit and it had this deep relatable philosophical message on life, even if it was nihilistic, while making you care. The show Bojack Horseman is like the character itself, where it's ugly and you feel like you wanna look away, but you stay, cause you care about what's going to happen next and you think it just might have a good ending. That's why it's amazing. It's able to portray all that, while being mostly nihilistic and ugly, but it somehow kept my interest and made me care, all the way up to the end. I feel I could only recommend this show to certain people, but yeah, it's an amazing show.

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