Review by Dahj Asha

The Creator 2023

5.5/10 - I was so hyped for this but unfortunately it was quite a letdown... :(

The CGI, cinematography, and audio/sound is nice but I didn't like the writing (at all!). I was expecting a cool Sci-Fi movie about AI with interesting concepts but IMO this is fantasy and not Sci-Fi as it lacked any science (I really cannot remember anything technical/scientific - I guess the highlights were "off", "standby", and "coding error"...). I also didn't find any meaningful deeper meaning and couldn't really relate to any of the characters. I only remember one (IMO) bad AI movie (Chappie) as I really love AI based movies but this was really meh (I don't hate it but I don't like it either - it basically left me emotionless - nice visuals, cool sounds, but a dull story, unfortunately). IMO the story was as full of plot holes than a Swiss cheese :(

I watched this movie in the cinema and don't remember any reactions apart from 1-2 laughs at cheap jokes (like the "I just switched it off"). I just sat there after the movie, watching the end credits and trying to think about deeper meanings, the story, etc. but the only thing that came to mind were the visuals and audio.

It makes me a bit sad that the budget was wasted on a story that felt way too cheap. Even without interesting Sci-Fi concepts it could've been better by focusing more on fantasy world building (like some recent Star Wars shows (apart from the main movies!)) or comedy (like Marvel movies/shows). I was also annoyed that many kinda important characters died - there was so much death in this that I quickly stopped caring about it as it simply became the norm or a least a theme...

It even ended with a boring (IMO) open end (and I do not hate open ends in general!).

Anyway, IMO the story is quite meaningless and contains too many plot holes.

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