Review by Esseth

The Creator 2023

This is a movie I'll be suggesting people see as much as I did Dungeons and Dragons, simply because it's a mid sized budget movie that's not that's not a sequel/spin-off/reboot or some existing IP. If you look at the top grossing movies of 2023 so far, there are only 2 other movies that are original IP out of the top 15.

For a (reported) $80m budget, the special effects/visuals alone put the majority of other big blockbusters ($200m+) to shame. While the main themes of the movie have been done many times before, and if you have seen a decent number of movies the broad strokes will be familiar, the detail and specifics of this movie make it an enjoyable watch.

While I saw claims that it's up in the leagues of Blade Runner and the like, I'd not put it up in that bucket. I would more put it alongside movies like Elysium and instead of one of the best sci-fi movies ever. I'd go with more of a "The best sci-fi since Dune in 2021", so best Sci-fi in the last few years is still something well worth a watch if that's your jam. Really solid sci-fi, looks great, some solid performances and cinematography.

Special shoutout for Madeleine Voyles who plays the kid Alphie, for a first time performance it was legit amazing. No "Kid acting" here. really top shelf performance for someone so new to the industry.

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