Shout by Jackie Chan

The Mist 2007


Shout by Jackie Chan

The CGI tentacles in the beginning were pretty laughable, even considering it was 2007. Marcia Gay Harden is doing top tier work as the religious zealot, and Thomas Jane is great as the hero, it's a shame he didn't have a more prolific acting career.
The pacing is not great, it really drags in the beginning and I was starting to get a little bored by halfway through. Thankfully it picks up a lot in the second half. I also try to cut the characters in horror movies some slack when it comes to making quick decisions, but the way people just freeze and couldn't close the door when poor Norm got taken by the tentacles, PLUS, when Thomas Jane yells "they're attracted to the light! Turn out the lights!" those same guys who froze start running around turning ON all the lights! Idiots!
And after all that, what a devastating ending for Thomas Jane, OOF

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