Look, I'm a simple guy. Give me some Klingons, add some cultural misunderstandings and provide some insights into their archaic culture and I am happy. Especially the death scene in sick bay is great. Also great: the Worf origin story and his complicated life among humans. This will become a major story element in later episodes but they were not able to use his story to the full extent in this episode. Feels like a test balloon to test out whether Worf's background story is wotth to be explored. This episode also shows how much polishment the character Worf still needs to become the great representative of Klingon culture we know from later seasons and DS9. But everyone can see his potential. It's no surprise that he worked his way up from a minor support character in the shadow of Tasha to one of the lead characters in this show.

The core story is pretty weak though. Two possible plots would have turned this perhaps into a classic Star Trek story: they could have applied for asylum and the Captain had to decide if it's wise not handing them over. Or they could have tried to take over the ship. I mean they try. And they pose a risk. But they are nowhere near taking over command. Basically, not much happens.

Always fascinating to see thru Geordie's "eyes". I'm maybe not as excited as the Captain but still.. I didn't get the underlying premise though. Aren't there bodycams in the future that are able to transmit video back to the ship? (That's actually something I never understood. The shore party always has to transmit lengthy reports to the bridge. Wouldn't it be easier to equip them with some sort of body cameras and bio sensors? Would ruin many stories though - but .... I'm just sayin')

It's a 6/10. If it weren't for my interest in the Klingon race this would be a 5/10 at best.

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