Review by FinFan

The Crown 2016

When I started this show, I could never had imagined for a second, that I would reach a point where I actually lose all interest and drop out.

The first season was great in every regard. The second was slightly down. There were a couple of episodes I really didn't like. But I had no idea it was the beginning of a downward spiral. It became a different show with season three. Replacing the whole cast was a huge mistake. It took me right out of the show especially since there isn't a massive time gap in the story. But while I reached a point midway through the season where I could live with them, the focus shifted more and more away from historical and political facts to marriage proplems, relationships and love affairs. And that I cared little for.

With season four it was a full blown soap opera where the focus seemd to be only on Charles and Di where it was perfectly clear which side the writers were on. I made it to episode three of that season and decided this is no longer worth my time.

Sad, they had a gem here with a marvelous cast and decided to do a complete one-eighty.

My rating reflects the average of all the episodes I've seen. Which comes to 7,06 but I'm certain it would have gone down had I continued.

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