Review by DAVY X

The Witches 1990


Review by DAVY X

No wonder this fabulous movie has become
a British cult classic.
It's so naughty and dark
and never could be recreated in such a way today,
and that makes me sad for the times we live in.
The pc,woke,sjw
cancel culture snowflake era.

Just watch
The 2020 retelling
of this movie if you
Need anymore proof.
(No guts no glory).

I was brought up
on the Witches book
at school and
The Demon Headmaster,
another classic.
I love this movie
the original
The Witches
And enjoy it many
Times now as an adult
Especially as I own it
on blu ray.
Angelica kills it she is
Perfect in the role,
Super charismatic
and so dark but funny
With it, I see why she
Landed the role as
Morticia in
The Adams Family.
Rowan does a great
Job but when does he not
And the cigar smoking
Is amazing.
The movie is so
Unique, one such as
Will never see the likes
Of again, watching
as an adult now I see
Just actually how Terrifying this movie is
And for me that's it's charm, I love stuff that
Wouldn't be allowed today,
And that is what makes this all year round watchable entertaining movie even more

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