Review by miel

The Expanse 2015

Review by miel
BlockedParent2022-09-08T07:37:05Z— updated 2022-10-02T06:01:10Z

BORING. and i mean it.

everyone’s acting their asses off but after the main protomolecule mystery is solved, it’s a wrap. they somehow managed to make aliens lame? aliens! like come on.

i didn’t expect farscape level camp but even star trek level antics and entertainment will do. because idk what they were going for other than dull. IMO the show always felt undercooked, like they never wanted to lean too deeply into prestige or delve fully into hinjinks(but they could’ve done both?)instead it occupied this strangely dour, overly serious lane that was sleep inducing af(seriously, my sleep schedule is fixed after a couple of weeks of binging this so that’s a silver lining).

good bits: i loved drummer, chrisjen, naomi and of course bobbie, but super hot, super competent women does not a show make! trust me i tried lmao. i definitely blame the studio switch for the back half sucking so hard as well because it got(more)generic and bland after that. like this show should’ve been tremendous, especially with that sexy budget increase but instead it was monologue after monologue with nice backdrops. giving space documentary. and none of that shit was interesting.

2.5/5 stars - series review.

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