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The Expanse 2015


Shout by starless
BlockedParent2020-12-02T19:31:47Z— updated 2021-02-22T04:59:37Z

  • Story 3/5
  • Characters 2/5
    • Whining 5/5
  • Depth 3/5
  • Cast 4/5
  • Artistry 3/5
    • Belter 1/5
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Shout by MokiNS
BlockedParent2015-11-26T10:03:26Z— updated 2022-01-28T00:20:59Z

this better not end up being another "Ascension"
Edit: well it didn't end up being another "Ascension"

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Just finished watching the pilot and I have to say, WOW!! This show is so much better than other sci-fi/space related shows that came out earlier this year. The first show has gripped me and I'm looking forward to watching the rest of the reason. Do NOT pass this up. Must watch even if you aren't a fan of space related shows!!

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It took me a while to realize the expanse is the best show I've ever seen, I love the wire, sopranoes, thrones, but for me personally, this is it

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I thought there is no way any producer could end a series as bad as 'Game of Thrones,' but seriously this one is an all time low. I am honestly stunned Amazon let it end on episode 6 and calling it a finale.

Please Amazon stick to shipping boxes, cus my gawd you really know how to suck the life out of art.

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Overall a pretty good scifi space show. Seasons 1 thru 3 had a great scifi story line and action. Season 4 moved more into a drama set in space while season 5 was a total shit show. The whole Naomi story line was basically an 8 hour lifetime channel movie of the week. it really kind of kills the whole series. They wrapped it up in season 6 by getting back to the space scifi and had an overall satisfying ending but then left a pretty big cliffhanger/open question about just what was going on the planet Laconia.

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Shout by human_boulder
BlockedParent2019-11-24T12:14:23Z— updated 2019-12-14T07:50:34Z

This one felt very claustrophobic. Camera is always up people's faces or backs, weird angles, doesn't show what you actually want to see, background is blurred. There is this obnoxious blue "sci-fi filter" in all the scenes set in space and belt it hurts my eyes to watch this. Couldn't get past 25 mins of episode 1.

Edit: After a lot of getting used to the camera work and blue color gradient in subsequent episodes, I finally got used to it and watched the whole thing. This is one of the best tv shows ever.

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There's so many good reviews and I don't understand it. It's just awful. The premise and idea is good, but the execution absolutely flopped. The script has weird lines that don't fit the characters or flow with the story. The plotline is a mess and I'm lost most of the time. I enjoy Sci-fi shows and films and this could have been great. Bad acting. Bad script. Bad script makes good actors look bad in this show. The only slightly redeeming quality is the halfway decent CGI and costumes. Ugh, I'm just so disappointed in it's many inconsistencies and plot holes.

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Enjoyed seasons 1-3 (9/10)
Season 4 is a mess - disjointed and uninteresting. Gave up after 2 episodes 1/10

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Imagine GOT in space but instead of Jon "your my queen" Snow, you get bad ass James Holden. I didn't like any characters at first but after 5 season's I love them, all the characters are flawed and operate in the grey not a good vs evil position. I love the world building where you feel this is all believable, the politics, technology, economic problems.

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One of the best TV sci-fi programmes to date, and maybe of all-time since the start of on-demand streaming. Complex plots exist throughout but are still understandable. There are many different groups of people in the show to focus on, including different factions. So glad that Amazon saved the show from SyFy who wasn't renewing after season 3, despite it being the most successful season to date. Season 4 (date TBC) will be streamed on Amazon Prime Video. Many thanks to all of those who participated in the #SaveTheExpanse campaign on social media.

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I am not liking at all. Can't connect with any of the character. Find it very boring
I usually love sci-fi

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Syfy finally got the message and has finally produced some of the smartest, boldest proper sci-fi any one could see in years. A very conceptual show, not a big one on characters. I know some people are drawn to different types of shoes like that - definitely one to check out either way.

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My absolute favorite series of all time. Incredible from start to finish.

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the first three seasons of some of the best sci-fi ever but Season 4 and 5 I just a drag real shame

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This show seriously gets better with each and every season. With most sci fi shows, the plot and theme tend to become redundant or lost along the way, but not with Expanse. It stays true to its core and only continues to improve upon the story contextually and visually. It's highly underrated and deserves so much more recognition.

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La mejor serie de Ciencia Ficción espacial que he visto, cada temporada y cada episodio mejor que el anterior y más adictivo, una evolución tremenda entre temporadas con un enfoque diferente entre ellas, pero manteniendo el hilo conductor en una misma historia.

Una serie follamentes con ambientación neo-noir donde la fantasía, la aventura, la acción, el misterio y la política van unidos de la mano.

Ojo: Cuidado con perderse, que la historia lía que flipas.

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Started reading the books. Enjoy the show so much that I consider it the best sci-fi that I've seen in the past 2 years, and with my sci-fi's I'm usually very very picky because it's my fav. genre !!
What more can I say ? I absolutely love the show, the plot, the characters (Naomi and Miller are my two favs, must say James Holden is portrayed a little too insipid for my taste). Also Jared Harris is the best surprise this show could've given me.
The books--- well they're really easy to read and just a delight for me. I've watched the whole season1 and started the first book in the series and watched the whole season1 again while reading. And I'm gonna rewatch it twice more for sure before 2017 (&$Y%Q soo loong to wait beratnas) delightes us with season2.
So, if you haven't started this show yet.... I envy you for two reasons: you can binge watch it (which makes for a whole new and better experience) and also you're new to the whole thing which I'd so much like to experience anew. Best series IMO !

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Hard scifi for adults, and I don't mean there's lots of violence and sex, I just mean it's intelligent and thought out. Tons of twists, great characters and dialog.

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Starts out ok, but quickly morphs into one of the worst soap operas you have ever seen. They could have fitted it into 2 seasons, skipping all the uninteresting soap plots and childish conversations.

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Honestly one of my favourite tv shows of all time. Also, one of the best tv shows ever in my humble opinion. Although the seasons have slowly lost a bit of edge in my regards (but very slowly and barely), this was a joy to watch. It's great sci-fi with amazing characters. Each season has an arc although there's an overall arc to the whole show. I just really have no other words but for people to take the time to watch. It is so worth it.

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a great series, a pity that they ended it suddenly in the last two chapters of the sixth season.

the showrunner has just been confirmed for the new God of War series, I guess that must be the reason...

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One of the greatest sci Fi shows out there and I'm definitely gonna read the books now that it's over

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By far the Expanse is one of the best Science Fiction shows on TV in recent years. From the effects to the science everything is top notch.

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Easily the greatest space opera of the modern era. Destroys the new Star Wars sorties and pushes BG into second place.

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This is it.

This is the best space opera we're going to get in the next 20 years.

Takes a liquid :poop: over BSG in terms of plot, direction and execution. A genuinely intriguing, exciting, characterful adaption of the novels. Do not miss out on this fantastic piece of sci-fi.

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During the sixth season, many characters gained even more depth, and in no episode could anything be taken for granted. Amazing ending, at the height of one of the most engaging space dramas that have been remembered in recent years. No matter it's the last season, for those who want to follow the stories of James, Naomi, Bobby and Amos again, there are always the books by Abraham and Franck.

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If you love the series, read the books. They are fantastic!

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First seasons are an amazing SF.

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One of the best sci-fi shows around today. The combination of plot, acting, and sticking to fairly realistic physics sets this show apart from essentially anything else on air.

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Season 5 back with a bang today. A bigger budget is clear, amazing cinematography. What a series. Amazon finally the story justice. It is perfect.

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Season 1-3 are absolutely superb.

Season 4 is a snore fest.

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Save The Expanse -

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I guess this amazing space epic is canceled before season 3 has even finished. The Expanse makes a series like The 100 look like amateur hour, and it's already on season 4. Go figure.

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This series borrows a lot of elements (both visual and plot-wise) from Metropolis (1927). Chinatown (1974), The Hustle (1975), Alien (1979), Outland (1981), Blade Runner (1982), Total Recall (1992) and Firefly (2002), so there's not much "new" stuff to ponder about. The plot is hard to follow (and the patois seriously needs proper subtitles) for anyone not versed on the novels. It's an excellent series, but hardly original.

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this remnds me a lot of battlestar galactica, and i love it

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Shout by Deleted

omg what a cool scishow finally something complex and bold. they say it's the show that's standing up to BsG, but I say it's time we had a space opera that's worthy.
also, I'm amazed how many details they can cram up inside a pilot without getting it too overloaded.
a big plus for me are the space cam sequences and the sfx are eye candy.
a minus is the fact that even today's tv shows can't avoid this trap: there's no soundwaves in space, the vacuum has no air to propell the sound. so why the frak do we always hear big booms and afterburners ?
all in all, this is one to keep your eyes on.

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Best plot ever... worst actors ever.

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Season 4 was visually stunning, prob one of the best shows so far from that perspective. Story wise, kind of lacking. Not much progression, entire season felt like it’s a setup for season 5. I would recommend watching season 4 for sound & visual effects. Beyond that don’t expect too much from the writing.

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This show is what diversity should always look like.
A byproduct of telling a compelling story - not an agenda which has to be upheld.

Make more shows like this, shows one can be proud of not (just) because it has a diverse cast but because they are actually good.
Casting "diverse" characters isn't an acomplishment - making actually good/great TV is!

I love next to all characters on this show and the ones I don't, I at least love to hate. (Inaros to name one...).

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The attention to detail that everyone involved puts into this series is impeccable to physics to the cinematography it really is hands down one of the best sci-fi television series out there right now.

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Thought it's another over-dramatic Sci Fi soap opera, but god I was so wrong. It's probably one of the best Sci Fi's with special effects and close realism I've seen recently. Each episode has good amount of plot and rarely a dull moment.

Can't wait for another season, guess I have to read the books now.

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Are you kidding Me, Syfy!?
Y’all dumb as rocks.
The definition of what Syfy should be is the Expanse!
Everything else on that damn channel is a load of crap.
Cancellation was a bad decision and foresee nothing good coming from this for the the Syfy channel. I will follow the series to the next station that picks it up.

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Though at first I was unconvinced about this show I quickly started to eagerly anticipate every new episode. It's a really good show, highly recommend it.

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Fast paced, visually stunning series that contains politics, intrige, and vivid cultural display of a diverse solar system. Great scifi show!

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Shout by V
BlockedParent2015-12-25T23:55:10Z— updated 2016-07-17T22:07:51Z

I've just finished to watch the four episodes, and I've to say, It's been a long time - too long - since I've been thrilled and amazed with SF serie. And yes: this is from SyFy...

If you love Politics, Space Opera and Riots about "Corporation"... You should definitely watch it or at least, give it a try...

PS: I just hope it will continue as it started, I have great expectations with this show.

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I watched the finale yesterday without knowing it was the finale and I really don't know how to feel about that. Well, I do know that I am kinda disappointed that I won't be seeing more of the show since I consider it to be one of my favorite shows, especially in the sci-fi genre. Since I did not know that it was going to the last episode, I was hoping more from it, but I think if I did know that it was the finale episode, I think I'll be satisfied with it.

What I love about this show is how believable the scientific things are. It is consistent and accurate[?] based on its own universe. The politics in it is not so far from what is happening in our current world. I think everyone will find a character they'll love in this show and for me, it's Camina Drummer and Bobbie Draper. Such strong empowered women. I would have loved Avasarala too to be honest, but she cusses too much to the point where it already sounds forced, but I still found her funny from time to time. Anyways, will definitely re-watch this in the future.

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THE single best Sci-Fi series available today. Absolute must-watch.

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Shout by dia6olo
BlockedParent2021-05-11T16:39:02Z— updated 2021-05-12T20:52:04Z

Very good series, I'm enjoying it but I do have to say that it is somewhat spoiled by some of the acting which I find to be very poor with some of the characters.
I don't know any of these actors so I can't comment on them as actors in terms of what they have done before. However, I found myself disliking a few of the key players as the series progressed because of the sterile acting and when I say sterile I really mean terrible acting.
There are at least 3 of the key players whose acting is unconvincing and very off-putting to me which is making it very difficult for me to connect with their characters and for me anyway, detracting from the series...

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One of those great shows that inform me of the existence of even greater books.

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I have suffered through the first book and I have tried to watch the series several times, giving it another go now. The reason I quit is Holden being such an arrogant and incompetent character I just can't stop but expect him to either grow up or get killed.

Apart from that I love the universe and the story - hence the reason I'm giving it another go.

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Just finished the 3rd seasson. Right now, I can say for me is the BEST scifi show I ever saw, including BSG, and all scifi movies I´ve ever seen. Perfect in all possible ways.

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Why the fsck -V would anyone cancel a series like this? Apparently Amazon saved the series, but still, I do not understand.

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What I really like about this show is that it is very realistic, don't get me wrong, I love Startrek and stargate. However, they are really way advanced in comparison to where humanity is now, on the other side The Expanse shows a very realistic future where we could really have in the not very far future :) The Expanse doesn't feature big ships or guns or some awesome weapons, they just show what our existing technologies can be in the near future.

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Really enjoying this. Plot is good and entertaining, also love that they used B-Actors and not some super famous celebs. As a Sci-Fi fan I've never seen a Movie or TV-Show bring up so much love for accurate little details in the setting. Slingshot travel, colonies on asteroids and moons that really exist, gravitational effects, history on how humans develop in different environments. For many these may be small things they don't even notice, but for me it makes it feel much more believable.

and yes, they still have sound in space like nearly every sci-fi. It just helps the effects, but you do notice they've reducted it quite a bit.

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Pretty good for SyFy. Some good episodes, some filler episodes -- reminiscent of Galactica. Makes me appreciate the 10-second skip ahead function of my 4th-gen AppleTV remote... there's some entertaining stuff, separated by a lot of filler -- 10 second skip-clicks are a perfect companion for "The Expanse", unless you're arthritic -- then you'll wish there was an option to increase incremental skipping. The only parts I'd never fast forward through are any with Shohreh Aghdashloo... she hypnotized me as Dina Araz, the unsuspecting Iranian mother-of-a-terrorist in season 4 of "24" -- seeing her in a scifi role borders on orgasmic. She's a drag queen icon waiting to happen, something immediately apparent with the line, "get him a proper scotch please, Lagavulin"... ;-)

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Shout by Deleted

The Solar System is a large space in which to tell a story, and yet paradoxically, the story is that the Solar System is not enough. Based on a series of novels, the show explores the premise that humanity is stressing the resources of the Solar System to the point that war and famine seem inevitable. The Earth is united under one world government, which is ruining what's left of the world, while the humans living on Mars are trying to make a hostile world livable. Meanwhile, Belters try to scrounge out a living in the even more hostile environment of the asteroid belt, using Ceres as a base. There is also the mysterious OPA (Outer Planets Alliance). And of course, you can't go anywhere in the Solar System without being approached by Mormon missionaries.

I've seen through episode 4, and episode 4 is stupendous, so now I'm hooked!

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You know what I love about this show?

No time travel bullshit.

And other things. But that's already a huge leg up.

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Feels more like Cyberpunk than Cyberpunk.

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Best SyFy in years, easily expandable for up to 10 or 12 seasons.
Can't wait for season 6.

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I know the name of series 5 episode 10 already:
Nemesis Games :wink:.

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Best and most realistic syfy show out there. Absolutely enjoyed all seasons so far. No irritation what so ever because of wrong physics or something. Everything is well thought trough and as far as we know accurate. Great story and characters.

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best space sci-fi in a long time. must see

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This is like the best news ever, The Expanse has been saved!

For the Series, please don't make the same mistake I did! I watched 2 Episodes and stopped watching it for a few months because it was boring. I started again a few months after the Pause, and boy was I wrong at first sight. The series has become one of my all time favorite. But you need to give it about 7 or 8 Episodes.

Great Acting, great visuals and the Story gets better every episode. I'm glad Amazon picked it up.

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Shout by Deleted

I am not liking at all. Can't connect with any of the character. Find it very boring
I usually love sci-fi

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Absolutely love this show, why it is so low on the ratings I don't know! If you want to see more of The Expanse being made then get on Twitter and Facebook and push for people to watch it. It's what Sci-Fi space fans have been waiting for since Firefly, Farscape and Battlestar Galactica if we don't support it we will lose it.

I've ordered The Expanse books as I can't get enough of this.

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Really superb show. It has many elements from many shows I enjoy, but putting them all together in the mix it comes out totally unique. Closest resembling show might be Dark Matter; which is not a bad thing :)

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I started watching this series and I have to say it's a struggle. The biggest obstacle are meaningless dialogs. Who talks like that? Not to mention that some actors are mumbling. Otherwise it would be interesting story.

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Not disappointed! A real scifi show, not seen in years, unexpected to come from the (current) syfy channel. But to be fair, it's based on a book series.

The style & CGI reminds me on "BSG (2003)", but "The Expanse" is something new and different. Starts a bit slow, but delivers a deep complex and atmospheric story. Very, very, very good and unknown actors, what a viewer won't notice from the start.
The superb screenwriting alone tells a story, but not alone creates this milestone.
The cool thing is, it changes the genre and setting a bit during the 1 season. So not just the story alone changes things and makes it interesting. - Spoiler! - As viewer you may first think it's Pre-"Aldnoah.Zero"+Belters (boring...), but through new completely different plot-lines changes to be more mystery and horror.

Thanks! That I did not skipped this show!

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Shout by Deleted

Interesting setting, but the first season certainly seemed a little lengthy and this is why I cannot with good conscience rate this any higher than 7/10. It seems like season 2 is in the makings... Honestly, I am ambivalent towards this. It is not the kind of Space Sci-Fi I imagined it would be. Actually, I am disappointed. Maybe I wouldn't be disappointed if not the lengthy feel of season 1 combined with a lack of imagination or rather a lack of direction. This is because at the end of the day nothing really happened here.

Character development and background is there!
The cast's performance is good and doesn't make you doubt them for one moment.
The music is... I don't care.
The story starts off well but quickly turns into a boring shithole with no chance of a plot resolution/development anytime soon.

I still like it though and I hope they will prove me wrong in season 2!

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While not Great yet, I found this show extremely promising. The different layers of politics and the racial hate relations are so spot on, that I'm reminded of the early days of Battlestar Galactica. The Expanse is a slow-paced series, but really picks up and I LOVE the fact that it's not littered with random side-stories that nobody really cares about. It's focused on a single story and does a great job of showing to very different takes on the same puzzle :D

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I have to say that I really like it. Especially despite the fact that I found the pilot and the first few episode being ... well, "Meh...".
In my opinion, this show takes a few episodes before it's starting to be really interesting, and I'm glad that it the case. Without the exposition in the first few episodes, the complexity of the plot would not be compensable.

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Shout by Deleted

After watching the 4th do, I'm infatuated with the show. Acting needs improving, especially from some rookies, but the plot is good. The situation is complex, well defined ( we may not have seen all stakeholders though ) and suspense is there. SFX is high level and realistic. A potential BSG in progress. Far better than Dark Matter , although I still favor Dark Matter over Killjoys which really sucks. Needs to deepens into characters. And help us liking some of them. So far it's too dry. But I the show holds its promises. Keep going !

So Say We All !,

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Absolutely brilliant, the story was fantastic, and the whole space saga story was so elegantly told. I loved all the character's, loved the weird way the belters talk, although I hated it at first. It was, without a doubt, the best space saga show I have ever seen. I only wish an MIB mind wipe device existed so I could watch it all over again for the first time.

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It's for brains, will keep you on edge, great characters, not so great ending though

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Seasons up to 3 were amazing. Season 4-6 were good, though not as action packed - I wouldn’t have minded if there were more seasons, but the general pacing of the show felt off. Too slow at some points. One of a few shows that was largely unpredictable for me. It’s about shame Cas Anvar. The interweaving and complex storylines was probably the best part of the show. The world building awesome. I’ll miss the characters - Avasarala and Amos the most. Finally, the sudden and gruesome deaths or violence was used sparingly but exceptionally well. And that’s coming from someone who hates gore!

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Dam, what a great show. Watching the complete series for a third time now.
No question about that this is the best science fiction show that has ever been made so far.

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Expand THE EXPANSE of your mind...

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Expand THE EXPANSE of your mind...

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Great show but Naomi Nagata is the most annoying character in the world.

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Shout by robinm0
BlockedParent2024-03-05T14:51:54Z— updated 2024-03-30T16:29:05Z

This has to be one of the best adaptations ever made. I would have given it a 10, were it not for the truncated, rushed feel to the 6th season.

There are some alterations to plot-lines and characters, but these are carried off without detriment to the overall story-telling.

Recommended for anyone who loves science-fiction. As are the books. Also for others who like a decent story well-told.

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greatest sci-fi of all time

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It took a couple of episodes to get into it, but then I was hooked. After season 4 though it became a struggle to keep my interest and I just had to power through because I wanted to see the ending.

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Watching the whole show for the 3rd time and I still can’t get enough.
Not to mention I can’t even count the number of people to whom I’ve recommended this show and who were captivated by it.
If you’re doubting but love SciFi, watch it.

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This was the best Sci-Fi show in recent years. However it suffered the same fate as Game of Thrones. A really weak ending. Such a shame it was discontinued because there was lots of mileage left in the plot. I'd like to see a prequel series maybe giving Fred Johnsons, Klaes Asfords etc back stories.

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This show is one of the best examples that shows adapting a book/other sources can't be that hard if you follow the core of the source. The Expanse TV show does justice to the already best seller sci-fi series (books and comics). It starts slow but will get you hooked slowly in season 1 and trust me it hooks you well if you're into sci-fi as a genre.

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Starts strong. Gets even better in S2 &3. Begins to drag it's feet like a Flintstone trying to avoid a crash in S4. Then proceeds to cause a 50 car pileup in S5 & 6.

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I whole-heartedly loved this show! I think it was the best space sci-fi I have ever watched. I loved the story and characters, the effects were amazing and believable, with so much attention to detail! I could definitely watch double the seasons! Time to read the books, I guess. I totally recommend it!

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This is the BEST sci-fi show I've ever watched. It contains all the elements that attract me. I hate that the show ended. I still rewatch it from season one every few months and I still get the same enjoyment as I did when I first watched it.

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Why it has ended without explaining what happend to creators of protomolecule ?!

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Easily my favorite show of all time. Characters, story, world, realism & non-realism are carried out perfectly.

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