This episode kept up with the laughs. The dynamic between Roman and Siobhan is hilariously childish in its casually peevish sibling rivalry, but I think the most hateable character to come out of this episode is Tom, who's even more feckless than Kendall, while being more capriciously psychopathic than Roman. So, high on the narcissism and psychopathy arms of the dark triad, but weak on effective Machiavellianism. Such a punchable face. Still, when he walked in on Roman and Shiv tussling in the presentation room only to immediately turn heel and walk out without a word, it absolutely sent me. Rava and Marcia are still the most intriguing characters to me so far, as long as they are adequately developed.

The profusion of coarse, demeaning expletives is a bit much, but these are supposed to be the shit-spawn of an American media magnate.

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