Review by FinFan

You really have to give the guys from back then credit, turning a colorful spinning cube into a thread to the Enterprise. Thex had to come up with cool concepts.

This is another one of the great episodes. A thriller in space. Kirk's bluff was well played. But it also has a lot of great pieces that make up the background. I like Bailey who seems to be a bit out of his league and overwhelmed by everything that's happening around him. Until he finaly lost it under the pressure on the bridge. It's very relatable, it's human !

In that context it was also great to see McCoy challenging Kirk on that subject. You see that they have different opinions which is so much better for giving the characters depth.

I remember that as a kid I found the alien face of Balok very creepy and something as little as the wavering screen gave it the extra notch.

At the end we then witness that the words of the Federation are not just hollow phrases, as Kirk wants to rescue an enemy who minutes before wanted to kill him. That's the kind of future Star Trek often showed us.

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