Another solid episode of Daredevil. For one there's Karen Page, whose grappling with the guilt of taking a man's life, robbing everyone whose loved him of him, and stressed about if Fisk knows she did it. I really liked how the show visually represented this, showing how torn apart Karen currently is and how she now paranoid that Fisk could come at any second and kill her or the people she loves. Also, im glad things got better between her and Foggy, with Foggy still dead set on this Fisk investigation regardless of the troubled relations between him and Matt. And, while things are still shit between Foggy and Matt, I'm glad Foggy has a warmer perspective on Daredevil, no longer viewing him as a terrorist. Though it sucks the relationship between Karen, Foggy and Matt is now completely ruined, with them no longer being honest with each other about whats happening with them. (well Matt was technically never fully truthful). Also, back to Foggy, its looking like he's made a major breakthrough in the Fisk investigation about connecting Fisk to the explosions that recently happening, and he might convince Marci (lawyer representing Fisk) to work along with him.
Regarding Matt/Daredevil, its looking like he's learning more about how grand the world of crime in Hell's Kitchen is, with him learning about Madame Gao, how she leads a massive Chinese drug factory who makes business dealings with Fisk, how these drugs are infesting Hell's Kitchen, and about a potential large sum of money left behind by the now exterminated Russian syndicate, since they were distributors for Fisk. After bearing witness to that factory, full of self-inflicted blind people following a false dream while processing the drugs, Matt felt completely devastated, wondering if there's truly anything he could do to combat al the crime infesting the city, and now realizing he cannot do this on his own. (as shown by the brief conversation between Matt and Karen after Mat came back).
Moreover, about Wilson Fisk, man am I mixed about him. On the one hand I can feel sympathetic for him, with me actually worried about Vanessa life and wanting her to live for the sake of Fisk, after seeing how much Fisk cares for and loves her I actually wanted her to stay alive. Also, it was heartwarming seeing how Vanessa said she wants to stay by his side, that she was fully aware of the path she was going down by being Wilson's fiance, and that she wants Fisk to punish whoever attempted to kill her, to show the world that she will never give up Fisk. Also, man was Wesley's death heartbreaking for Fisk, with Wesley seemingly being his only friend, and someone who was trustworthy and loyal in his eyes. Karen is most certainly dead if Fisk finds out the she killed him.
Also, regarding Ben Urich, man I was so stressed for him. First of all, he has a dying wife which he's struggling to finance, and now (thanks to Fisk paying off the Bulletin) Ben has lost his job. Though luckily, his wife knew the kind of man Ben is, and urged him to publish his story regardless of what means it takes, saying it doesn't matter that he lost his job, all that he needs is the story. And man, things were looking good, almost too good, with him starting to publish the story on an online blog after being pushed by Karen to do so, but of course Fisk found out Ben met his mother. And man, the confrontation between Fisk and Ben was intense, with Fisk at first seeming completely composed, but given how he reacted when Anatoly embarrassed him in front of Vanessa, it was clearly a front, and man, it was painful watching Fisk choke Ben to death just for him visiting Mrs. Vistain, Ben was always such a good person and I'm sad he's gone now. And Ben's death is a huge blunder on the investigation team, he had all the experience and knowledge to reporting which everyone else lacked, and was fully aware of how dangerous this mission would be, and the necessity of taking a safe, slow approach to exposing Fisk, but partially due to Karen he was a lot more reckless in learning about Fisk. Though luckily for Karen, Ben didn't reveal that she was there with him too before Fisk killed him.
Also, man, while it was surprising I should have known that Madame Gao and Owlsley were the ones who attempted to kill Vanessa at the party. I mean they have told Fisk several times that they're worried Fisk is losing sight of his vision to rebuild Hell's Kitchen because of Vanessa, believing she's making him vulnerable and less focused on this objective. Though luckily for them, Fisk is still under the illusion that the assassination was aimed for him, not Vanessa, and doesn't suspect they (well he somewhat does Gao) planned this assassination.
Also man, am I starting to dislike Karen Page, her reckless push towards exposing Fisk's corruption has not only gotten her nearly killed twice, now its lead to Ben's death. I really hope now that Karen starts taking a more calculated and safe approach to exposing Fisk, rather than just diving head first into everything and hoping it all ends up well.

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