Shout by Speed Demon

Trigger Point 2022

Not as good as I was expecting.

Obviously they were trying to stuff as many black actors into one series as possible. Fortunately they were all pretty good actors except the top cop - she was annoying but that might have been down to the crappy dialogue she was left with.

The big finale was unfortunately predicable.

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@speeddemon Um ?????? Black people exist...... promise you there's more than 2 Black people in London. why on earth does seeing Black people on tv offend you so much jeez

@swanqueenz I zero problems with black best friend is black and know a good number of others. Some of my favourite actors and music artists are black. My comment was based on how 'woke' and obvious the producers etc made it... they are trying too hard. Just cause someone points something like that out doesn't automatically make them "offended".. another woke word used way too much

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@speeddemon Cleary you don't live in England let alone London, There should be more coloured people in this to make it more realistic in this part of the country. And no I'm not racist, its just the truth.

@poisonandrew Fair enough... I don't live in the UK. Point taken - and no, I'm not racist either. It just seemed it was forced that's all. I'll keep that in mind in the future.
