Review by whitsbrain

The Island 2005

Curse you Michael Bay! Going into this movie I had no idea this was a Bay-directed flick. Ewan McGregor, Scarlett Johansson, and science fiction. With all of these things going for it, I should have been in for an entertaining time. Wow! Was I wrong. This movie is an overly long, over the top, product placement heavy mess. I began disliking the movie quickly but McGregor's presence kept it watchable. Scarlett Johansson's character was a little perky but she looked beautiful which helps to mask a lot of things. The sets were also attractive and convincingly futuristic. Then I start noticing all of the product placement...Apple, Xbox, Cisco Systems, Cadillac, etc., and asking myself why some things are futuristic looking and other things are looking late twentieth century. Am I not supposed to notice these inconsistencies or is the director playing me for a chump? Then about halfway through, Steve Buscemi's "McCord" sits in his living room and gives us a complete plot summary during a discussion with McGregor and Johansson's characters (Lincoln and Jordan). Everything is explained with intelligence insulting clarity. If this isn't bad enough, Lincoln and Jordan somehow manage to evade and outsmart the LAPD and a special security force. They even survive a 70-story fall off the side of a skyscraper. Only the two lead actors save this from a poor rating from me.

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