Review by Deleted

The Crown 2016


Review by Deleted

Since I was a child, I have always loved fairytales. My father bought almost every single Disney film for us before we were born. Therefore, I always wanted to be a Princess. According to my mother, when I was younger, I wanted to be a ballerina, a bride, a mother and a princess. Although I believe I can still be a bride and a mother, it is very difficult for me to be a princess.
Well, some people had the opportunity to fulfil my childhood dreams. And “The Crown”, on the last season, showed the People’s Princess, Lady Diana, to be a ballerina, a bride, a princess and a mother, respectively.
I love this Netflix series. Even though it is partially fiction, I believe we can learn more about Great Britain, its History and challenges, and also the dramas and happy moments of the royal family.
While the Royal Family is supposed to maintain an “ideal” and “far out of reach” aura surrounding them, I believe that, with this series, we can understand the reason for them to be so “far away” and create empathy with them.
To be Royal nowadays must be difficult. People are now a click away. We can send private messages to people we do not really know and feel close to people who are so far away. Also, nowadays we can all have an opinion about everything and share it easily. However, that is not how the Royals behave. They must always be unreachable and they must not share their opinions. Their behaviour must be perfect. Their reason to exist can be in danger with a simple error.
With “The Crown”, we can think about how difficult it is to please people around us. With a gesture or a word from us, someone can be hurt. However, we should be pleasable, someone who everyone thinks with kindness on their hearts. But, nevertheless, we must not be perfect. I, usually, put up standards of behaviour to strict for myself. Nonetheless, good habits (and manners) come with time and patience. My job is to be myself and make others see Jesus through me.
Life is no fairytale. But they exist to make us try to be the best version of ourselves.

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