I have made it clear (no pun intended) with comments on previous episodes that I hated seasons 4+5.
However, this season premiere was decent, to my surprise.
Maybe because it was an episode only with Morgan.
Maybe because it couldn't get any worse.
I hope the rest of the season is watchable.

PS I still don't like the pretentious western approach

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@tasa24 Oof. I just caught this episode after initially giving up on FTWD somewhere during season three. This was slightly better than I remembered it being then, but that's a very low bar.

I see they still haven't figured a way to build tension past the tropiest of horror tropes that TWD already employed for a dozen years, e.g., person is endangered, cut to advertisement, the danger is immediately quashed in the least believable of ways, or a long drawn out fight scene where the weakened hero overcomes some kind of quasi-invincible comic book villain.

I guess maybe the real problem is that I came back to this franchise with any expectation that things would be different. And I get it, comic book shows are going to tend to have comic book villains.

But one day the world will get a smart zombie drama, and I am going to be totally here for it.

I mean unless I'm dead, of course.
