This movie was much more disappointing than I remember. I first watched it as a kid at the age of around 10 years old, I am now 22 and I hadn't watched it until today since the first time that I saw it. When I was a kid, I loved the crazy violence and fight scenes because I had seen nothing like it and I thought it looked cool. But now that I am an adult, when I watch this movie, I see only try-hard fight scenes that look like the star wars prequels' lightsaber fights. This movie also has tons of plot holes, there are things that make no sense and there are scenes that defy the laws of physics. At one point in the movie, snow suddenly appears everywhere, it's as if in only a few hours, it changed from summer to winter but with absolutely no explanation. Also, apparently in the kill bill world, special magic swords can cut other swords like butter. There are so many japanese stereotypes that seem completely ridiculous. Also, guns exist in that fictional world but when people use swords, it's as if all the character forget that using a gun would be much more effective, though, after seeing so much ridiculous nonsense in this movie, I wouldn't be surprised if the protagonist was able to make the bullets bounce off her sword. That is how cartoonish this movie is. I know that Tarantino is famous for using a lot of crazy violence in his movies but in this one, it was so overused that it quickly started to look very fake. And, many characters are able to do things that they shouldn't be able to do just so the movie can happen. This movie can be entertaining but you basically have to shut off your brain completely when you watch it since its even less realistic than a superhero movie.

The only good things about this movie are the soundtrack, the acting, the animation, the japanese voices and a few funny scenes.

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