Overall I felt like this season was rushed, we needed those extra 5 episodes to make a 22 episodes season, like we never saw mitch and cam introducing their new baby to the family, luke was always in the background and dylan never got any solo scenes, also I waited 12 years to see what those testimonials were about and they didn’t acknowledge it!!! It would’ve been cool if the last scene was Jay turning off the camera or like a flash forward with the twins and Rexford and maybe an extra kid a few years older and they are watching the tapes or something!!! Like what’s the point of a mockumentary if you don’t acknowledge it at some point.
I liked all the endings, Luke going to college and having a business project, Alex living out to her expectations and trying out different jobs and going away to a new one, Manny finally experiencing real life to have real adventures, Hayley’s had a chance for improvement instead of making her just the mom, Claire getting her dream job on her own merits, Phil always happy, Gloria and Jay growing as a couple and switching the roles and Jay finally opening up to Gloria’s culture... BUT MITCH AND CAM’s???? honestly they are the worst couple ever, super toxic and I resent Cam for breaking up the family and making Mitch give up on their dream life, Mitch never forced Cam to be on California, Cam lived there when they met and fast forward to the present they both have great jobs, their dream house, just adopted a baby and just give up on everything for Cam to coach in hillbilly college?? I know Mitch is divorcing him, coming back to california and live his best life with Lily. Also it was shocking seeing that Gloria doesn’t care about Cam at all, I thought they were close and she was like “we’ve interacted 8 times, good trip.”
Cute show, cute ending but I’ll always complain about the testimonials!!

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@aars26 Totally agree about Mitch & Cam !! (and everything else)
