I mean, the sex scene was nice I guess, the computer generated effects that make up a majority of these shorts is fabulous, but we accomplished that shit years ago. The majority of these Love, Death & Robots shorts suffer from wasted potential. It's nice some of these concepts are brought to light and shown what can be done with them, but by the time you get into their stories, they're over. Beyond the Aquila Rift is a doomed story of men who get caught in a literal spider's web when transporting across space. I love body horror and downer stories, but there isn't much to chew on. No exploration of itself, no messages about temptation, just nothing. I'm having a hard time finding things to write there's so little to discuss. The other one I watched was the werewolves in Afghanistan one, that one was okay, but your time is better spent elsewhere, preferably off Netflix since that platform is mostly the same: The promise of original, fresh work from auteur directors, only to be saddled with waste of time affairs that fall under the guise of "entertainment." I always feel like I waste my time with the service. Pirating is where it's at.

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