Shout by X3Nius

Grey's Anatomy 2005

Does anyone know any good series that have the same level of drama as GA? Or shall i watch the spinoff Private Practice.

I really love GA, but still need to wait a month, until it returns.

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3 replies

If i'm not mistaken (because I never watched the show), E.R. was the old Grey's Anatomy, like Friends is the old How I Met Your Mother, but this was some thing i saw on the internet, i have never watched ER.

If you want a medical drama there is this new show i just finished (The Night Shift) its really enjoyable and it has some interesting characters and its own hot mcrdeamy haha also if you haven't watch Scandal (a political suspense drama) i suggest you do its super intense and truly powerful.
i don't know maybe its me but i tried to watch Private Practice ages ago maaan i couldn't not like greys whatsoever.

Thanks Nadia for recommending me 'The Night Shift' I really liked it.
