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American Hustle 2013


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Well, I am going to start this review with the best of it because it totally deserves the recognition, the performances. Christian Bale, Amy Adams, Bradley Cooper, Jennifer Lawrence, Jeremy Renner and Louis C.K. are all amazing! I want to talk about two performances in particular, my favorite performance that was Christian Bale's. He was the character by which I had more sympathy. He captivated me throughout the story but I thought his physical transformation would be relevant for the story. I was expecting a much more deep charater than the one that he was, but despite that, he is still my favorite. Then my second favorite performance (it's almost my favorite) has to be the fantastic Jennifer Lawrence. She provided me a few good laughs and just with 23 years old she can transform herself into Bale's crazy unbalanced wife.

The film's pacing is not the best. In my opinion the dynamic that was necessary to carry most of the scenes didn't existed. I found myself bored sometimes, thankfully most of the times the next scene made me feel interested again. So I guess the film has it's ups and downs. It's maybe a little bit too long also. The story is definitely interesting but it could have been done in a much more engaging way. I can see that David O'Russell valued the characters much more than he cared about the film's story.

Overall, American Hustle is a disappointment. I expected so much more from it. It could be great, instead of that is just good film.

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