I was supposed to see this film around the beginning of the year, but yeah now I finally watched The Place Beyond the Pines. I don't know why I delayed it so much because I loved it! It's interesting that after all of this time I didn't fall in the temptation of reading any reviews about it because I wanted to be surprised by it.

Good or bad decisions in life always have consequences and I think that the story of this whole film after all is about Karma. Our actions will always have a reaction back in the future. All of the characters of the story had difficult lives and in some way in their present lives all are dealing with issues from the past, suffering the consequences of precipitated choices.

The storytelling is great, through the three acts of the story and we connect with the multiple characters one by one in a perfect pace.

This film is beautiful to watch. The cinematography is great, there are beautifully amazing shots throughout the film but the fantastic opening shot is particularly my favorite.

The performances were stunning from all of the cast, very intense and emotional. This is the perfect type of Ryan Gosling's character, he is always amazing portraying this kind of complicated and self-reserved men. Bradley Cooper is surprising me more and more I hope to continue to see him do characters like his in the film. Eva Mendes was equally good, very strong performance.

I should have watched this a lot sooner but I'm glad that I finally did and I couldn't end my year in film in a better way!

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