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3:10 to Yuma 2007

I was a little bit surprised that I liked this movie as much as I did. Many of the reviews that I read said that it wasn't as good as the original. Of course, the fact that I never saw the original may have been to my advantage.

The film stars Russel Crowe and Christian Bale in the lead roles. Crowe's character is the stereotypical bad guy and Bale's is the everyday guy that is trying to do the right thing and raise his family the right way. The fascinating aspect of this movie was seeing each character flirt with the "other side". At times the characters appeared to straddle the imaginary line of right and wrong. Saying any more would give away some of the plot.

The only part of the movie that I disagreed with was the value that a father has of a son's opinion of him. At one point every kid hates their father and it isn't until a different level of maturity is reached that a son can appreciate a father. For me that took away from the end of the movie just a little bit.

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