Shout by Ivna Karinne Oliveira

Lethal Weapon 2016

WTH happened to Clayne Crawford?

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8 replies

@ivnak he was an asshole on the set, got into conflict with Damon Wayans, generated toxic work environment (they had security during filming of S02 so leads wouldn't get into a physical altercation). The result was that Warner fired him and anyone who was loyal to him on the set.

@nebthet he was awesome at his job, he practically was all the show and carried all the crap on his back and made it look good with his performance, would be entitled to be an asshole, but by Wayans Twitter implosion with absolutely no comment from Crawford I'm pretty sure he isn't one.

@fcunhaster I'm not denying he was good (because such statement would be totally false). But I disagree that makes him entitled to be an asshole. Imagine having a coworker who's really awesome in what he or she does getting so much done but an insufferable within workspace due to how they act. What would you say then?

Presence of comment or lack thereof means nothing - maybe actor's agent advised them not to comment, or they have a clause in the contract concerning such occasions.

Setting this aside I hope the series won't tank with the new cast.

@nebthet tbh, I think it will

@fcunhaster well I'm afraid of that too but the Suits had a big cast change this season and the series is still awesome (at least for me). So here's hoping that Scott has good on-screen chemistry with Wayans and we all win by keeping a good show to watch :)

@fcunhaster did you hear that Wayans confirmed that he's leaving after this season? Now they'll cancel it for sure. But Lethal Weapon without Riggs AND Murtaugh doesn't make much sense anyway :)
