• Lame human interactions
  • Dull war report
  • Lazy/unreal solutions for their issues
  • Predictable assignment for the vacant position.

Simply boring. But not in the good Elon Musk "boring" way.

The show's problem is that they have a greater story arc that indeed could result in something awesome. But they simply don't give the story enough time to unfold, in episodes with deep scripts. It's almost as if they'd just go through a checklist, marking their progress, with no interest in making that part of the story the best possible experience.

Give us a break one in a while. Don't resolve conflicts or challenges with a finger snap all the time.
And for god's sake introduce the characters to us on a deeper level.
All the events so far, could have been spread over 30-40 or even more episodes. And it probably would have been a much greater joy and experience. Season 1 is pretty much one huge waste of an interesting idea. It's okay, because you can appreciate the greater idea behind it all. But it could have been so much more. Tragic.

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