Bringing things back to the "normal" universe feels a little boring after all the fun we've had. But this is still a strong episode that settles down and let's characters do their thing. Plus, Empress Georgiou is still here and she's just magnificent - creepy, intriguing and manipulative. Burnham's decision to bring her over with her was moronic to say the least, but it's going to make for some fun storytelling. Especially now that she's posing as the original Captain.

The episode was dragged down for me by the Michael/Ash stuff. From the moment he appeared, Ash has been an incredibly uninteresting character for me and doesn't seem to have a sensible place within the story (outside of the fact that he turned out to be Voq - but that's over now). The two characters have no chemistry together, and Michael's dialogue when with him becomes unbearably bad.

But I'm intrigued as to the story with the Klingons here and the plan to attack Qo'noS. I was expecting a time travel reset and it looks like things are going in a new direction. It does beg the question of why they don't do that, though, given that they've conveniently and easily replenished their spore supply.

Nice mention of Captain Archer and the Enterprise, too, even though it was super exposition-y. I can't help it, I like winks at the camera like that.

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@lefthandedguitarist after losing evil Lorca and leaving the Mirror Universe things quickly got boring, but, like you, I'm counting on evil Georgiou to spice things up (even though how she got where she is right now was rather nonsensical). Like I've mentioned in a comment in a previous episode, this is a fun soap-opera in space (space-opera?) and I'm enjoying it just for that (though it's hard trying to forget all the time that I'm actually watching a new Star Trek series).
