- Gorgeous Cinematography and transitional effects. One moment the movie goes into black and white and the next is silhouettes conducting sword combat.
- Spectacular set designs and visuals
- Unforgettable OST that will sit on my playlist for quite sometime
- Movie is divided into numerous Acts making it a treat to follow (Another QT signature)
- Unexpected comedy at certain places which is always a big welcome
- Sword fights and choreography at its finest
- Character development is handled perfectly
- Music, Art, and Film combined into a classic
- Now I need to watch Vol 2

- Might be too gory for some but this is QT’s trademark

Plot Complexity:

Fast and there is never a dull moment

Movie Facts:
- Extremely gory and violent (QT Trademark)
- Listed in IMDB top 250

Nominated for 1 Golden Globe

Best Movie Quote:
Revenge is a dish best served cold

Yes it is just a masterpiece in action

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