Shout by Nancy L Draper

Ray Donovan 2013

This week I binged this total series to date (62 episodes - 1.1 to 5.12). What attracted me was the critical acclaim of this gritty drama. It's about a Southie Irish Catholic family transplanted from Boston to Los Angeles, California. Warning: it's violent, salacious and filled with nudity and course language, but if that doesn't put you off, the story-telling is superb, poignant and deeply human. It is about living out the consequences of choices made by, or forced upon, you, all the while being in the business of removing people from the consequences of their own bad decisions. Pure Irony. The acting is superb, and there is a treasure trove of cameos by top billed actors from past decades playing small character parts, some unrecognizable, yet still brilliant. And there are also stars featured in major plot threads, as well. Great ensemble of regulars. Riveting tension. Creative story lines. Complicated relationships. Just great TV. I give it a 10 (engrossing) out of 10. And I'm glad to hear it has been renewed for a 6th season in 2018. [Crime, Drama, Thriller]

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