Shout by Richetoku

Star Trek: Discovery 2017

This is not classic Star Trek. It seems they are going for a modern retelling trying to get new people interested, but they put it behind a pay wall in the US that will most likely turn away new people who might be interested. Overall, it is more in line with reboot Trek, but not as good so far. Currently at episode 5 and that episode they used the F-Word twice, but it felt forced. Like they were trying to be hip and cool, but it just felt lame. Already has had more blood & violence than I am used to with a Star Trek show. So far, I am not liking the military approach this show seems to be taking, but I am hoping it gets better later. This would be fine as a new Sci-Fi show, but does not feel like Star Trek. The Orville feels more like classic Star Trek than this show, but is in its own Sci-Fi world. If you are looking for something more like classic Star Trek, I recommend The Orville, if you are looking for something with more action and violence, then this show would be good for you.

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